
This is a freely-accessible, publicly-funded digital archive that collects together significant documents relating to the history of copyright law and practice. The documents have been selected by national editors, with the input of an editorial advisory board. Key documents are, where appropriate, transcribed and translated. The editors have written commentaries, explaining the reasons for selecting documents and their significance. The project was launched in 2008, initially funded by the AHRC in relation to 5 countries. Since 2024 it is supported by the AHRC as UK research infrastructure. The archive now extends to more than 20 (including historical and religious) jurisdictions and over 700 primary source documents. They can be browsed by date/language/jurisdiction, or searched.

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1469* Johannes of Speyer's Printing Monopoly (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1474* Venetian Statute on Industrial Brevets (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1477* Tax Exemption for Books (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1479* Privilege of the Prince-Bishop of Würzburg (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1485Censorship Edict of the Archbishop of Mainz (Germany)
1486* Marco Antonio Sabellico's Printing Privilege (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1487* Printing Privileges to Monasteries (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1498* Ottaviano Petrucci's Music Patent (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1501Vergilius (Italy)
1501Le Cose volgari. (Italy)
1501* Imperial Senate privilege to the Sodalitas Celtica (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1501Privilege granted to Valentim Fernandes (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1502Aldus Manutius's Petition against Counterfeiters (Italy)
1502* Licensing Rules (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1502Privilege of the Imperial Senate for Works of Conrad Celtis (Germany)
1502* Privilege granted to Valentim Fernandes (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1503* Aldus Manutius's Warning against the Printers of Lyon (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1503Scotto v. Benalio (Italy)
1503Durante v. Torresani (Italy)
1503* Privilege granted to Valentim Fernandes (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1504* A woodcut by Albrecht Dürer plagiarized by Marcantonio Raimondi (Italy)
1504* Privilege Granted to Benedetto Bordon (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1506'Lamentationum Jeremie Prophete' (Italy)
1506Nebrija's Printing Privilege (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1507* Eloy d'Amerval's privilege (France) Commentary: [1]
1508* Privilege granted to Jacobo Cromberger (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1509* Privilege granted to Tommaso Pighinucci for publishing “Medicina Plinii” (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1511* Imperial Privilege for Arnolt Schlick (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1511* Imperial Privilege for Albrecht Dürer (Germany)
1511Privilege of the Bishop of Strasbourg (Germany)
1512Lyrical Reference to an Imperial privilege for Arnolt Schlick (Germany)
1513* Imperial privilege for Eucharius Rösslin (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1514* Privilege granted to João Pedro de Cremona (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1515* Ariosto's Printing Privilege (Italy)
1515Imperial Privilege for Konrad Peutinger (Germany)
1515* Galliot Du Pré's Privilege (France) Commentary: [1]
1516* Appointment of Andrea Navagero as Literary Censor (Italy)
1516Ugo da Carpi's Patent (Italy)
1516Imperial Privilege for Johannes Eck (Germany)
1516* Privilege for the Divisiekroniek (Netherlands) Commentary: [1]
1517* Venetian Decree on Press Affairs (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1517Privilege of the Duke of Bavaria (Germany)
1518* Rabbinic Reprinting Ban for Eliyahu Bakhur (Jewish Law) Commentary: [1]
1518* The Articles of the Pope's Bulle (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1525Luther's 'Admonition to the Printers' (Germany)
1526Papal and Venetian Privileges for Sigismondo Fanti's 'Triompho di Fortuna' (Italy)
1527* Venetian Decree on Pre-publication Censorship (Italy)
1530* Privilege granted to Germão Galharde (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1530* La Fleur de la science de pourtraicture (France)
1531* Antonio Blado's privilege for Machiavelli's works (Italy)
1531* Bernardo Giunti's privilege for Machiavelli's works (Italy)
1531* Basel Printers' Statute (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1531Francis I's letter patent to Pierre Attaignant (France)
1532Antonio Blado's edition of Machiavelli's 'History of Florence' (Italy)
1533* Schott v. Egenolph (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1534Melchiore Sessa's privilege for Machiavelli's works (Italy)
1534Privilege of the Elector of Saxony (Germany)
1536* Privilege granted to Gonçalo de Baena (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1537* Privilege granted to Baltasar Dias (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1537* Ordinance on the Production and Use of Books in Printed Form, Denmark–Norway (Scandinavia)
1538* Henrician Proclamation (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1539Appointment of Academic Printer at the University of Copenhagen (Scandinavia)
1545* Venetian Decree on Author-Printer Relations (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1545* Antonio Catalano's Teaching Licence (Italy)
1545* Luther's 'Warning to the Printers' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1546* Privilege Granted to Enea Vico (Parmigiano) (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1547* French Censorship Act (France) Commentary: [1]
1549* Decree Establishing the Venetian Guild of Printers and Booksellers (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1549* Statutes of the Venetian Guild of Printers and Booksellers (Italy)
1550* Rema Ruling re: Maharam of Padua (Jewish Law) Commentary: [1]
1551French Censorship Act (France)
1552* General privilege granted to Adrien Le Roy and Robert Ballard (France) Commentary: [1]
1552Letter Concerning the Danish Bible (Scandinavia)
1553* Totell's Printing Patent (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1553William Seres' Printing Patent (United Kingdom)
1553John Day's Privilege for the Catechism (United Kingdom)
1554* Royal Charter for Licensing (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1554Selected Extracts from the Stationers' Company's Registers (United Kingdom)
1556* Privilege Granted to Giovanni Ostaus (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1556 (1555 m.v.)* Privilege Granted to Antonio Floriano (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1557* Stationers' Charter (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1557The Privy Seal warrant concerning the Stationers' Charter (United Kingdom)
1558* Censorship Rules (Spain)
1558Calve's privilege for the 'Holsome and Catholick Doctrine' (United Kingdom)
1558Phayer's privilege for Virgil's Aeneid (United Kingdom)
1559* Privilege for printing music for the Indies (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1559* Pérez v. Fernández de Córdoba (Spain)
1559* Elizabethan Injunctions (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1559Day's The Cosmographical Glass (United Kingdom)
1559* Day's privilege for The Cosmographical Glass (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1559Jugge and Cawood's printing patent for statute books (United Kingdom)
1559Seres' patent for Primers and Psalters (United Kingdom)
1559Totell's patent for Common Law Books (United Kingdom)
1560Counterfeited papal privilege (Germany)
1565Lauritz Benedicht's Printing Monopoly (Scandinavia)
1566* Star Chamber Decree (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1568* Giorgio Vasari, Life of Marcantonio of Bologna and Other Engravers of Prints (Italy)
1570* Ordinance concerning Printers, Booksellers and School masters (Netherlands) Commentary: [1]
1571* Privilege granted to Andrea Palladio for his Four Books on Architecture, with supporting endorsement by member of the Roman Inquisition (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1572Privilege granted to Luís Vaz de Camões (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1572Privilege for Petrus Johannis Godhus (Scandinavia)
1579* Privilege for the Deux-Aes Bible (Netherlands) Commentary: [1]
1579* Notice of Rabbinic Reprinting Ban (Jewish Law)
1582* Revocation of Papal privilege to print and distribute Roman [Gregorian] Calendar and Martyrology (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1584* Privilege for Squaring of the circle (Netherlands) Commentary: [1]
1586* Simon Marion's plea on privileges (France) Commentary: [1]
1586* Star Chamber Decree (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1587* Privilege to Giovanni Giolito di Ferrari for publication of Paolo Comitolo's "Catena in Beatissimum Job," and revocation of Jean Stratius' privilege in the same work (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1588* Petition of and Privilege to Tolomeo Veltroni for illustrated edition of the Statutes of the Knights of Malta (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1589* Petitions from and Privilege granted to Gerard Voss for his Latin translation of the works of St. Ephrem of Syria (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1589* Bosio's edition of the Statutes of the Knights of Malta (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1590* Giovanni Fratta's 'On the Dedication of Books' (Italy)
1591A publisher's 'Friendly Reminder' about reprints (Germany)
1593* Petition from and Privilege granted to Antonio Tempesta for a map of Rome (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1593* Petition from and Privilege granted to Giulio Burchioni for publishing a combined volume of works on table service and household management (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1594* Council of Four Lands Printing and Book Trade Regulation (Jewish Law) Commentary: [1]
1596* Motu proprio controversy (Italy)
1596* Total Ban on Book Imports, Denmark–Norway (Scandinavia)
1598Frankfurt Printers' Ordinance (Germany)
1598* Petition of and Privilege to Orazio Torsellini for his History of the House of Loreto (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1599* Petition from and Privilege granted to Alfonso Chacón for publishing the works of his uncle, historian Alonso Chacón (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1600* Petition from and Privilege granted to Pietro Fetti to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1602* Petition from and Privilege granted to Marcantonio Rossi for publishing choral work by the late Giovanni Guidetti of Bologna (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1603* Venetian Decree on Privileges for New Books and Reprints (Italy)
1603* Privilege granted to Francisco Soto to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1603* Petition and Privilege for printing and distributing the Summa of St. Raymond of Peñafort (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1604* Petition for licence and privilege by Cervantes (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1604* Petition from and Privilege granted to Cosimo Gaci to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian (Vatican) Commentary: [1]
1605* Don Quixote’s Privilege (Spain)
1605* Don Quixote’s Privilege Extensions (Spain)
1606* Reprinting Ban for Bedek Ha-Bayit (Jewish Law)
1607General privilege granted to Pierre Ballard (France)
1608* The States-General's ban on certain publications of the 'Bycorff' (Netherlands)
1614* Publishing Agreement: the Spanish translation of Ludovico Blosio oeuvre (Spain)
1617Continued Ban on Possessing, Selling or Distributing Imported Books, Denmark–Norway (Scandinavia)
1618* Book trade regulations and incorporation of the Parisian book trade (France) Commentary: [1]
1618Daniel's The Collection of the Historie of England (United Kingdom)
1624* Statute of Monopolies (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1625-1626* Resolutions concerning the Dutch School Order (Netherlands)
1632* Privilege for the States Bible (Netherlands)
1637* Star Chamber Decree (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1643* The Humble Remonstrance of the Stationers' Company (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1643An Ordinance for the Regulation of Printing (United Kingdom)
1643* Establishment of the First Printing House in Norway (Scandinavia)
1644Milton's Areopagitica (United Kingdom)
1647Ordinance against Unlicensed or Scandalous Pamphlets (United Kingdom)
1649Book trade regulations (France)
1649An Act against Unlicensed and Scandalous Books and Pamphlets (United Kingdom)
1650s* Vitré's memorandum on the prolongation of privileges (France)
1653An Act for reviving [the 1649 Act] (United Kingdom)
1656* Privilege du Roy [Charles Le Brun] (France)
1657Preface to Silesius's Chant Book (Germany)
1658* Schupp: The Book Thief (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1660* Frankfurt Printers' Ordinance (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1660* Decree on Engravings (France)
1660* The 'Fixed and Indissoluble' Contract of the Guild of Printers and Booksellers (Netherlands)
1662* Licensing Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1662Licensing Act (parchment copy) (United Kingdom)
1663L'Estrange's Considerations and Proposals (United Kingdom)
1665* French book trade regulations (France)
1666Henning: The Highly Lauded Bookmaker (Germany)
1667* Milton's Contract (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1667Recital of the Stationers' Charter (United Kingdom)
1669* Revocation of the Privilege granted to Pieter Hackens (Netherlands)
1670Exclusive Rights to the Book Trade in Christiania (Scandinavia)
1672* Usher's Printing Privilege (United States) Commentary: [1]
1673Nuremberg Printers' Ordinance (Germany)
1675* Counterfeited Privilege in Grimmelshausen's 'The Magic Bird's Nest' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1676* Decree on Sculptures (France)
1677* Pirated edition of Calderón de la Barca's comedias (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1684Stationers' Charter (United Kingdom)
1684* Renewed Swedish Censorship Laws (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1686* Book trade regulations (France)
1686* Resolution concerning the Grant of Book Privileges (Netherlands)
1686Abolition of All Monopolies in the Book Trade in Norway (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1688Establishment of a Printing Press in Iceland (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1688Laws Concerning Printing, Censorship, and Distribution of Books and Almanacs, Denmark–Norway (Scandinavia)
1690Amendment to the Frankfurt Printers' Ordinance (Germany)
1690Beier: On the Book Trade and its Privileges (Germany)
1690* Locke's Second Treatise on Government (selected extracts) (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1690s* Memorandum on the dispute between the Parisian and the provincial booksellers (France) Commentary: [1]
1691* Pseudo-Vera Tassis: Fake edition (Spain)
1691Pseudo-Vera Tassis: Fake edition II (Spain)
1693Locke's Memorandum on the 1662 Act (United Kingdom)
1695Reasons for objecting to the renewal of the Licensing Act (United Kingdom)
1700Bladen's Privilege (United States)
1701* Royal letters patent (France) Commentary: [1]
1701* Censorship Instruction for Newspapers, Denmark–Norway (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1704* Defoe's Essay on the Press (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1706Reasons Humbly Offer'd for the Bill for the Encouragement of Learning (United Kingdom)
1709Reasons Humbly Offer'd for the Bill for the Encouragement of Learning (United Kingdom)
1709More Reasons Humbly Offer'd for the Bill for the Encouragement of Learning (United Kingdom)
1709Reasons Humbly Offer'd to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons (United Kingdom)
1710* Willing Agreement of Booksellers in Amsterdam, Leyden, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, etc. (Netherlands)
1710* General Privilege granted to Gerard Noodt in Leiden (Netherlands)
1710* Statute of Anne (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1710A Bill for Encouragement of Learning (United Kingdom)
1711* Legal Deposit at the Royal Library (Spain)
1713* 'Books Constitution' of Emperor Rudolf II (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1713Augsburg Printers' Ordinance (Germany)
1714Decree on Fine Arts (France)
1715* Order on the Petitioning and Obtaining of Book Privileges (Netherlands)
1721* Burnet v. Chetwood (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1721Burnet's Bill of Complaint and Chetwood's Answer (United Kingdom)
1721Burnet v. Chetwood: Entries from the Court's Book of Orders (United Kingdom)
1721Printer Joachim Wielandt's Privilege for Popular Chapbooks, Denmark–Norway (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1723Freedom to Print Non-Privileged Books, Denmark–Norway (Scandinavia)
1724* Electoral Saxon Printing and Censorship Acts from 1549 to 1717 (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1725French book trade regulations (France)
1725-1726* Pierre-Jacques Blondel's memorandum (France) Commentary: [1]
1725-1726* Louis d'Héricourt's memorandum (France) Commentary: [1]
1728* Resolution on Compliance with Book Deposit Regulations and Notice against the Printing of Books under the names of Professors at the University of Leyden (Netherlands)
1729Gay v. Read (United Kingdom)
1735* Engravers' Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1735The Case of Designers, Engravers, Etchers, &c. (United Kingdom)
1735Engravers' Copyright Act (parchment copy) (United Kingdom)
1737* Booksellers' Bill (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1737* Baller v. Watson: Entry from the Court's Book of Orders (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1737An Act for the Encouragement of Learning (Draft) (United Kingdom)
1737Privilege of Printing Pontoppidan's Catechism Granted to the Royal Orphanage (Scandinavia)
1738* Thurneysen: On the Illicit Reprinting of Books (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1740Venetian Decree Against Unauthorized Printing of Songs (Italy)
1740Privilege of the Protestant Swiss Cantons (Germany)
1740* Encyclopaedia Article on 'The Reprinting of Books' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1741* Gyles v. Wilcox (Atkyn's Reports) (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1741* Pope v. Curl (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1741Gyles v. Wilcox (Barnardiston's Report) (United Kingdom)
1741Pope's Bill of Complaint, and Curl's Answer (United Kingdom)
1741Pope v Curl: Entry from the Court's Book of Orders (United Kingdom)
1741* The Danish Copyright Ordinance (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1744* Code de la Librairie (France) Commentary: [1]
1746North Carolina Printing Privilege to Commissioners (United States)
1747* Warburton's Letter from an Author (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1748Privilege Granted to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to Print Almanacs (Scandinavia)
1749* Crébillon case (France) Commentary: [1]
1750Fritsch: Treatise on Book Printers, Booksellers, Paper Manufacturers and Bookbinders (Germany)
1750New York Law Printing Privilege (United States)
1751Tonson v. Walker (United Kingdom)
1752* Juan Curiel as Censor (Spain)
1752* Privilege Tranfers: Contract between Antonio Sanz and his bookseller (Spain)
1752Regulations and Rules for the Printing Industry in Sweden (Scandinavia)
1759* Sieur d'Anville's contract (France) Commentary: [1]
1761* La Fontaine case (France) Commentary: [1]
1761Tonson v. Collins (United Kingdom)
1762* Free Trade Regulations (Spain)
1762* Royal declaration on privileges granted to inventors (France) Commentary: [1]
1762* Tonson v. Collins (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1762* An Enquiry into Literary Property (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1762A Vindication of the Rights of Authors (United Kingdom)
1763* Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid (Spain)
1763* Diderot's Letter on the book trade (France) Commentary: [1]
1764Parisian Booksellers memorandum (France)
1764Licence to Establish an Office of Advertisements in the City of Bergen (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1765* Philipp Erasmus Reich and the Leipzig publishers' cartel (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1765Reich v. Pauli (Germany)
1766Prussian Cabinet Order (Germany)
1766Engravers' Copyright Act (United Kingdom)
1766Blackstone's Commentaries, Vol.II (selected extracts) (United Kingdom)
1766* The Swedish Freedom of the Press Ordinance (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1769* Millar v. Taylor (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1770Avis aux gens de lettres (France)
1770* Luneau de Boisjermain's case (France)
1770Abolishment of Censorship (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1771Rescript Limiting the Freedom Allowed by the 1770 Legislation (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1772Second New York Law Printing Privilege (United States)
1772William Billings' Second Petition (United States)
1772William Billings' Printing Privilege (United States)
1773* Saxonian Statute (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1773Reimarus: The publishing of books (Germany)
1773Reich: On Book Publishing (Germany)
1773On Klopstock's proclamation of a 'Republic of Scholars' (Germany)
1773* Hinton v. Donaldson (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1773Information for Messrs John Hinton et al (United Kingdom)
1773Information for Alexander Donaldson (United Kingdom)
1773Rescript on Post-Publication Censorship (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1774* Pütter: The Reprinting of Books (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1774The Justified Reprinter (Germany)
1774Imperial Privilege for a reprint series (Germany)
1774The justified reprinter (Germany)
1774Booktrade in Austria (Germany)
1774* Donaldson v. Becket (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1774Hargrave's Argument in Defence of Literary Property (United Kingdom)
1774The Cases of the Appellants and Respondents (United Kingdom)
1774The Pleadings of the Counsel before the House (United Kingdom)
1774Booksellers' Bill (United Kingdom)
1774Enfield's Observations (United Kingdom)
1774Macauley's A Modest Plea (United Kingdom)
1774Stella's Modest Exceptions (United Kingdom)
1775* Stationers' Company v. Carnan (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1776* Gaultier's memorandum for the provincial booksellers (France) Commentary: [1]
1776* Fragments on the Freedom of the Press (France) Commentary: [1]
1777* Royal declaration on sculpture and painting (France)
1777* French Decree of 30 August 1777, on the duration of privileges (France) Commentary: [1]
1777* Linguet's memorandum (France) Commentary: [1]
1777* Bach v. Longman (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1777Engravers' Copyright Act (United Kingdom)
1778* Pluquet's letters (France) Commentary: [1]
1778Decree on counterfeitings (France)
1779Séguier's report (France)
1780* 'Pezzana e Consorti' case: supporting documents (Italy)
1780Venetian Reprint of the French Decree of 30 August 1777, on the duration of privileges (Italy)
1780Beaumarchais's report (France)
1780Decree on Dramatic Literary Property (France)
1780* Dramatic Act (France)
1781* 'Pezzana e Consorti' case: counter-petition and rulings (Italy)
1781Chodowiecki's Allegory 'Works of Darkness' (Germany)
1781* Andrew Law's Petition (United States) Commentary: [1]
1781Andrew Law's Privilege (United States)
1782Letter from Smith to Webster (United States)
1783Petition of John Ledyard (United States)
1783* Connecticut Copyright Statute (United States) Commentary: [1]
1783Letter from Joel Barlow to the Continental Congress (United States)
1783Continental Congress Resolution (United States)
1783Massachusetts Copyright Statute (United States)
1783Maryland Copyright Statute (United States)
1783New Jersey Copyright Statute (United States)
1783New Hampshire Copyright Statute (United States)
1783Rhode Island Copyright Statute (United States)
1783Ledyard Petition Committee Report (United States)
1784Cella: On Reprinting of Books (Germany)
1784Letter from Noah Webster to James Madison (United States)
1784Pennsylvania Copyright Statute (United States)
1784South Carolina Copyright Statute (United States)
1785* Austrian Statutes on Censorship and Printing (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1785* Kant: On the Unlawfulness of Reprinting (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1785Imperial privilege for Aloysius Blumauer's Travesty of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (Germany)
1785Virginia Copyright Statute (United States)
1785North Carolina Copyright Statute (United States)
1786The Slandered Man (Germany)
1786* French Decree on Musical Publications (France)
1786Georgia Copyright Statute (United States)
1786New York Copyright Statute (United States)
1787* Calico Printers' Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1787Calico Printers' Act (parchment copy) (United Kingdom)
1787Constitutional Convention Journal Entry (United States)
1787Madison's Journal Record (United States)
1787Madison's Edited Journal Record (United States)
1788On literature and the book trade in Austria (Germany)
1788The Federalist No. 43 (United States)
1789Becker: On the property right in intellectual works (Germany)
1789* The Constitutional Copyright Clause (United States) Commentary: [1]
1789Ramsay's Petiton House Record (United States)
1789House Joint copyright and patent bill decision (United States)
1789Joint Copyright Patent Bill [H.R. 10] (United States)
1789Ramsay's Petition (United States)
1790-1800Sample registrations (United States)
1790The Blue Man (pseudonym): Reprinting, contra and pro (Germany)
1790Vindication of property against robbery (Germany)
1790* J.F.F. Ganz's draft for a general ban on reprinting within the whole Empire (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1790J.F.F. Ganz's draft for a general ban of reprinting [extended version] (Germany)
1790* Sieyès' report (France) Commentary: [1]
1790Boufflers' report (France)
1790* Petition by the printmakers and proprietors of copperplates to the National Assembly, May (France)
1790* Copyright Act (United States) Commentary: [1]
1791Reimarus: Book Publishing (Germany)
1791Fauth: On reprinting of books without the knowledge and consent of the first publisher (Germany)
1791* Le Chapelier's report (France) Commentary: [1]
1791* Report of François Hell to the National Assembly (France) Commentary: [1]
1791Beaumarchais's petition (France)
1792 [1791]Müller: On Publication Piracy (Germany)
1792* Barcelona Newspaper' Printing Privilege (Spain)
1792Knigge: On the Reprinting of Books (Germany)
1792Reimarus: Publishing right with regard to reprinting (Germany)
1792Purcell's Printing Privilege (United States)
1793* Fichte: Proof of the Unlawfulness of Reprinting (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1793* French Literary and Artistic Property Act (France) Commentary: [1]
1794* Prussian Statute Book (ALR) (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1794* Contract between Schiller and Cotta (Germany)
1794* Petition by citizen makers of plaster casts to the National Convention, 3rd March (France)
1795* Provincial decree of Holland abolishing Book Privileges and bestowing a Right to Copy (Netherlands)
1796Lobethan: On Publishers' Privileges (Germany)
1796* Book Decree of the Province of Holland (Netherlands)
1798* Models and Busts Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1798* Beckford v. Hood (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1798Models and Busts Act (parchment copy) (United Kingdom)
1799* Kehr: Apology of the Reprinting of Books (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1799Documents concerning the Models and Busts Act (United Kingdom)
1799* Renewed Censorship Legislation, Denmark–Norway (Scandinavia)
1801* Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1801A Bill for the Further Encouragement of Learning (United Kingdom)
1801Copyright Act (parchment copy) (United Kingdom)
18021802 Amendment (United States)
1803* National Book Act of the Batavian Republic (Netherlands)
1805* Memorandum of the Batavian Republic restricting the copying and selling of State Documents (Netherlands)
1806Reprinting Regulation for the Grand Duchy of Baden (Germany)
1808* Amended Book Act of the Batavian Republic (Netherlands)
1809* Baden Civil Code (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1810Imperial decree on the book trade (France)
1810Swedish Freedom of the Press Ordinance (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1812Petition of the London Booksellers (United Kingdom)
1812* Swedish Freedom of the Press Ordinance (Scandinavia)
1813* Rules to preserve the property of authors over their works (Spain)
1813Bavarian Penal Law Book (Germany)
1813* High Court of Justice on the Right to Copy of Evangelical Hymns (Netherlands)
1813* Sovereign Decrees on Official State Publications (Netherlands)
1813Petition of the Printers of London and Westminster (United Kingdom)
1813Petition of the Edinburgh Booksellers (United Kingdom)
1813Report of the Acts Respecting Copyright (United Kingdom)
1813Select Committee Report on Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (United Kingdom)
1813Select Committee Report: Minutes of Evidence (United Kingdom)
1814* Court of Cassation on sculptures (France) Commentary: [1]
1814* Court of Cassation on compilations (France) Commentary: [1]
1814* Sovereign Decree on the Book trade and the property of Literary Works (Netherlands)
1814* Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1814Sculpture Copyright Act (United Kingdom)
1814Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (10 May) (United Kingdom)
1814Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (19 May) (United Kingdom)
1814Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (12 July) (United Kingdom)
1814Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (18 July) (United Kingdom)
1814Bill to amend Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (18 May) (United Kingdom)
1814Bill to amend Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (7 June) (United Kingdom)
1814Bill to amend Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (12 July) (United Kingdom)
1814Bill to amend Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (15 July) (United Kingdom)
1815* Annotated Publishers' Petition to the Congress of Vienna (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1815* Sovereign Decree on the right of property of translations of foreign works (Netherlands)
1815* Booksellers’ Deed of Commitment against Reproduction (Netherlands)
1817* Act regulating the printing and publication of literary and artistic works (Netherlands)
1817* Advice on the application of the 1817 Act to works copyrighted before 1817 (Netherlands)
1818Select Committee Report on the Copyright Acts (United Kingdom)
1818Select Committee Report: Minutes of Evidence (United Kingdom)
1820* High Court of Justice on the application of the 1817 Act to translation disputes (Netherlands)
1821* Hegel: Remarks on Intellectual Property (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1821* Regulations of the Association for the Book trade (Netherlands)
1822* Constitution of 1822 (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1822* Royal decree on the printing and publishing of state documents by individuals (Netherlands)
1824* Neustetel: The Reprinting of Books (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1825Merlin on counterfeiting (France)
1826* Constitutional Charter of 1826 (Portugal)
1826* Minutes of the 1825-1826 Commission (France)
1826Letter from Noah Webster to Daniel Webster (United States)
1826Letter from Daniel Webster to Noah Webster (United States)
1827* Treaties on reciprocal protection between Prussia and various German States (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1827* Kramer: Rights of Writers and Publishers (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1828Court of Appeal on moral rights (France)
1828* Maugham's Treatise (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1828Letter from Donaldson to Peters (United States)
1828Letter from Donaldson to Wheaton (United States)
1828Letter from Peters to Donaldson (United States)
1828H.R. 140 Committee Bill (United States)
1828H.R. 140 Consolidated Bill (United States)
1829Music publishers' agreement to ban reprinting (Germany)
1829Printing statutes in the Canton of Zürich (Germany)
1829Hessen Copyright Act (Germany)
1830* Amended music publishers' agreement against piracy (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1830Dramatic Writings Bill (United Kingdom)
1830Judiciary Committee Report (United States)
1830Letter from John McLean to Richard Peters Jr. (United States)
1831* Copyright Act (United States) Commentary: [1]
1831House Debate (United States)
1832* Gans: On the right to perform published stage plays (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1832Select Committee Report: Dramatic Literature (United Kingdom)
1832Parliamentary Debates on Drama and Dramatic Literature (31 May) (United Kingdom)
1833* Dramatic Literary Property Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1833Parliamentary Debates on the Dramatic Literary Property Act (12 March) (United Kingdom)
1833Parliamentary Debates on the Dramatic Literary Property Act (24 July) (United Kingdom)
1833Bill to amend the Laws relating to Dramatic Literary Property (United Kingdom)
1834* Privilege to the Royal Lithographic Establishment (Spain)
1834Review of Neustetel's book (Germany)
1834* Balzac's letter to authors (France)
1834* Wheaton v. Peters (United States)
1834* Wheaton v. Peters Independent Report (United States)
1834Letters from Sumner to Story (United States)
1835* Copyright statement of Johann Strauss for Austria and Prussia (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1835* Sofer Responsum on Vilna-Slavuta Talmud Dispute (Jewish Law)
1835* Publication of Lectures Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1835Parliamentary Debates on the Lectures Act (24 Aug.) (United Kingdom)
1835Parliamentary Debates on the Lectures Act (26 Aug.) (United Kingdom)
1835Publication of Lectures Bill (United Kingdom)
1836Copyright in Prints and Engravings (Ireland) Act (United Kingdom)
1837* Royal Order on Dramatic Copyright (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1837* Royal Order on Music Copyright (Spain)
1837* Prussian Copyright Act (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1837* Directive for reciprocal copyright protection within the German Confederation (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1837Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (14 Dec.) (United Kingdom)
1837Copyright Bill (6 June) (United Kingdom)
1837* Senate Report (United States)
1837Petition of British Authors (United States)
1837Debates in Congress (United States)
1837Memorial of a Number of Citizens of the United States (United States)
1838* Remarks on Literary Property (Spain)
1838Ordinance on the Establishment of Societies of Copyright Experts (Germany)
1838* Constitution of 1838 (Portugal)
1838* International Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1838Parliamentary Debates on the International Copyright Act (20 March) (United Kingdom)
1838Parliamentary Debates on the International Copyright Act (19 July) (United Kingdom)
1838Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (25 April) (United Kingdom)
1838Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (9 May) (United Kingdom)
1838Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (6 June) (United Kingdom)
1838Copyright Bill (27 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1838Copyright Bill (6 June) (United Kingdom)
1838Address of Certain Authors (United States)
1838Report, from the Committee on Patents (United States)
1838Memorial of the New York Typographical Society (United States)
1838Memorial of a Number of Citizens of Boston (United States)
1839* First Copyright Bill (Portugal)
1839Copyright Bill (United Kingdom)
1839Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (27 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1839Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (1 May) (United Kingdom)
1839Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (9 July) (United Kingdom)
1840* Bilateral Treaty between Austria and Sardinia (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1840Hölzl: On Reprinting of books (Germany)
1840* Supreme Court on Literary Property of the State (Netherlands)
1840Copyright Bill (United Kingdom)
1840Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (4 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1840Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (14 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1840Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (8 July) (United Kingdom)
1841* Report of Lamartine and parliamentary debates on literary property (France)
1841Court of Cassation on artistic property (France)
1841Copyright Bill (United Kingdom)
1841Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (27 Jan.) (United Kingdom)
1841Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (29 Jan.) (United Kingdom)
1841Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (5 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1841Swedish Ordinance on the Limitation of Terms of Protection (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1841* Folsom v. Marsh (United States) Commentary: [1]
1841Master in Chancery Report (United States)
1841S. 227 (Dramatic Works Public Performance Bill) (United States)
1842* Court of Cassation on artistic property (France) Commentary: [1]
1842* Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1842* Lowndes' Historical Sketch of the Law of Copyright (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (8 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (21 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (3 Mar.) (United Kingdom)
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (16 Mar.) (United Kingdom)
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (23 Mar.) (United Kingdom)
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (6 April) (United Kingdom)
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (20 April) (United Kingdom)
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (9 May) (United Kingdom)
1842Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (9 May) (United Kingdom)
1842Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright (4 March) (United Kingdom)
1842Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright (23 March) (United Kingdom)
1842Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright (21 April) (United Kingdom)
1842Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright (27 June) (United Kingdom)
1842Memorial of a Number of Persons Concerned in Printing and Publishing (United States)
1843* Amsterdam District Court on the exclusive right to translate a foreign literary work (Netherlands)
1843An Address to the People of the United States (United States)
1844* Saxon Copyright Act (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1844Commentary on the Saxon Copyright Act (Germany)
1844Act on the property right of playwrights' widows and children (France)
1844* International Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1844International Copyright Bill (United Kingdom)
1844H.R. 9 (Ingersoll Bill) (United States)
1845Court of Appeal on right of publication (France)
1845* Court of Appeal on translations (France) Commentary: [1]
1845* Supplement to the Regulations of the Association for the Book trade on the right of preference on translations (Netherlands)
1846* Bilateral Treaty between Prussia and Britain (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1846Expert Opinion on Schelling v. Paulus (Germany)
1846* Austrian Copyright Act (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1846Handbook of German press legislation (Germany)
1847* Literary Property Act (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1847* Foreign Reprints Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1847Foreign Reprints Bill (United Kingdom)
1847* A Treatise on the Law of Copyright (United States) Commentary: [1]
1848* Copyright Formalities: Registration (Spain)
1848Expert opinions of the Prussian Literary Experts' Association 1838-1847 (Germany)
1848Jay, Bryant and Others' Memorials (United States)
1850* Supreme Court on the protection against reprinting of public sermons (Netherlands)
1851* First Copyright Law, 1851 (Portugal)
1851* SACEM's act of constitution (France)
1851Anglo-French Copyright Treaty (United Kingdom)
1852Theory of Reprinting. Presented according to the directives of the German Confederation (Germany)
1852* French International Copyright Act (France)
1852* International Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1852Parliamentary Debates on the International Copyright Act (13 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1852Parliamentary Debates on the International Copyright Act (30 April) (United Kingdom)
1852Copyright and Natural Right (United States)
1853Bilateral Treaty between Hamburg and Great Britain (Germany)
1853* Bluntschli: On Authors' Rights (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1853Court of Cassation on translations (France)
1853Blaine's Laws of Artistic Copyright (United Kingdom)
1853Letters on International copyright (United States)
1853British-American Copyright Convention Draft (United States)
1853* Stowe v. Thomas (United States) Commentary: [1]
1853Stowe v. Thomas, Complainant's Bill (United States)
1853Stowe v. Thomas, Defendant's Answer (United States)
1853Affidavit of Harriet Beecher Stowe (United States)
1853'Uncle Tom' at Law (United States)
1854* Franco-Spanish Bilateral Copyright Treaty (Spain)
1854Literary and Artistic Property Act (France)
1854* Jeffreys v. Boosey (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1855* Agreement between the Netherlands and France on the reproduction of scientific and literary works (Netherlands)
1856-1857* Controversy on reproduction of foreign works (Netherlands)
1856* Copyright Act Amendment (United States) Commentary: [1]
1857* Anglo-Spanish Copyright Treaty (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1857* Wächter: 'Publishing Right' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1857* Court of cassation on originality (France)
1857Return of Colonies and British Possessions on Importation of Reprints (United Kingdom)
1858* Provincial Court of Appeal on the right to copy Tollens’ works of poetry (Netherlands)
1858* Association for the Book trade’s Draft of a Bill on the Right to Copy (Netherlands)
1858Report of the Artistic Copyright Committee (United Kingdom)
1859* Casado's PhD on Copyright (Spain)
1860* Association for the Book trade’s Amended Draft of a Bill on the Right to Copy (Netherlands)
1860* Nathanson Ruling in Matter of Yoreh De'ah (Jewish Law) Commentary: [1]
1860Turner v. Robinson (United Kingdom)
1861* Supreme Court on Originality (Spain)
1861* Court of Cassation on telegraphic news (France) Commentary: [1]
1861Fine Art Copyright Bill (United Kingdom)
1861Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Bill (6 May) (United Kingdom)
1861* Confederate States of America Copyright Act (United States)
1862Bretón de los Herreros' Copyright Contract (Spain)
1862* Court of Cassation on photography (France) Commentary: [1]
1862* Provincial Court of Appeal on the transfer of the right to copy in Max Havelaar (Netherlands)
1862* Principles adopted by the Royal Academy of Sciences on Literary and Artistic Property (Netherlands)
1862* Fine Art Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1862Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (28 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1862Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (6 March) (United Kingdom)
1862Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (20 March) (United Kingdom)
1862Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (31 March) (United Kingdom)
1862Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (22 May) (United Kingdom)
1862Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (23 May) (United Kingdom)
1862Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (5 June) (United Kingdom)
1862Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (24 July) (United Kingdom)
1862Fine Art Copyright Bill (27 Feb.) (United Kingdom)
1862Fine Art Copyright Bill (20 March) (United Kingdom)
1862Southern Feeling (United States)
1863Confederate States of America Copyright Act Amendement (United States)
1863Hardee's Memorial (United States)
1863International Copyright Resolution (United States)
1865* Copyright Act Amendment (United States)
1866Reports of Riché, Perras, Sainte-Beuve. (France)
1866* Literary and artistic property act (France)
1867* Schäffle: 'Authors' rights as an artificial means for safeguarding remuneration and annuities' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1867* Mandry: Commentary on the Bavarian Copyright Act of 1865 (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1867* Seabra Civil Code, 1867 (Portugal)
1867* Cour de Cassation on moral rights (France)
1868* Colonial Copyright Extensions (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1868* Proudhon: 'Les Majorats littéraires' (France)
1868* Regulations of the Association for the Book trade (Netherlands)
1869* Court of Cassation on originality (France) Commentary: [1]
1869Artistic Copyright Bill, London (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1869Graves’ Case, London (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1869Victorian Copyright Act, Victoria (United Kingdom)
1870* Copyright Act for the German Empire (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1870Societies of Copyright Experts (Germany)
1870* Copinger's Law of Copyright (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1870Committee Report on S.703 (United States)
1870* Copyright Act (United States)
1872* Supreme Court on Artistic Copyright (Spain)
1872Morillot on the personal right of publication (France)
1872Correspondence and Papers on Colonial Copyright (United Kingdom)
1872International Copyright Bill (United States)
1873Committee on the Library Report (United States)
1873-1876* Controversy on reproduction of foreign works in the Netherlands and of Dutch works overseas (Netherlands)
1873-1908* Opuscles (Portugal) Commentary: [1]
1874Correspondence respecting Colonial Copyright (United Kingdom)
1876* Copyright Acts for the German Empire regarding works of art, photography, and designs (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1876Book Printer H. J. Jensen vs. The Poet Henrik Ibsen (Scandinavia)
1876Act on the Protection of Written Property, Norway (Scandinavia)
1877* Supreme Court on Music Copyright (Spain)
1877* Gareis: Juridical Nature of Author's Rights (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1877* Netherlands Lawyers' Association’s debate on the principle behind author’s rights protection (Netherlands)
1877* Swedish Copyright Act (Scandinavia) Commentary: [1]
1878* Spanish Copyright Formalities: Certificates (Spain)
1878* Morillot on the author's right (France)
1878* Royal Commissioners' Report (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1878Royal Commission on Copyright: Minutes of Evidence (United Kingdom)
1879* Copyright Act (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1879Copyright Consolidation Bill (United Kingdom)
1879Memorial of the Royal Academy of Arts, London (United Kingdom)
1879* Drone on Copyright (United States)
1879* Baker v. Selden (United States) Commentary: [1]
1879Selden's Argument (United States)
1879Baker's Argument (United States)
1880* Copyright Regulations (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1880Franco-Spanish Bilateral Copyright Treaty (Spain)
1880Anglo-Spanish Bilateral Copyright Treaty (Spain)
1880* Kohler: Author's Right (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1881* Copyright Act (Netherlands)
1882* Danvila’s Copyright Treatise (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1882Oscar Wilde photograph (United States)
1883Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v. Sarony (United States)
1883Sarony's Brief (United States)
1883Burrow-Giles' Brief (United States)
1884* Bilateral Copyright Treaty between Spain and El Salvador (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1884Bilateral treaty between Switzerland and France (Germany)
1884* Orelli: 'Swiss Copyright Act 1883 with comments and appendices' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1884* Bill on the regulation of copyright on works of visual arts (Netherlands)
1885* First Inscriptions of Works at the Spanish Copyright Office (Spain)
1885Carte v. Duff (United States)
1886* International Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1886International Copyright Bill (United Kingdom)
1886Correspondence respecting the Copyright Union (United Kingdom)
1886Berne Convention (United Kingdom)
1886Committee on Patents Report (United States)
1887* International Literary Congress in Madrid (Spain)
1887Court of Cassation on international copyright (France)
1888* Civil Code (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1888American Authors and British Pirates (United States)
1888The International Copyright Bill (United States)
1890* Copyright Pocketbooks (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1890Report on H.R. 10881 (United States)
189150 Prussian Expert Opinions from 1870-1876 (Germany)
1891Falk v. Brett Lithographing Co. (United States)
1891* International Copyright Act (The Chace Act) (United States)
1892* Bilateral treaty between the German Reich and the U.S.A. (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1892* Supreme Court on the protection of non-original writings (Netherlands)
1893Falk v. Donaldson (United States)
1894* Copyright Formalities: Bulletin (Spain)
1894Report on H.R. 6835 (United States)
1894H.R. 6835 (Cummings Bill) (United States)
1895* Núñez de Arce’s Will (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1896New Zealand Copyright Act, Wellington (United Kingdom)
1896Regarding Norway’s Accession to the Berne Convention (Scandinavia)
1896Public Performance Bill (United States)
1896Report on H.R. 1978 (United States)
1896Report on S. 2306 (United States)
1896Hearing on H.R. 5976 (United States)
1896Treloar Copyright Bill (H.R. 5976) (United States)
1896Debate in Congress (United States)
1896The Question of Copyright (United States)
1897* Copyright Act (Public Performance of Musical Compositions) (United States)
1898* Treaty of Peace between the United States and Spain (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1899* Schmelkes Responsum (Jewish Law) Commentary: [1]
1899Artistic Copyright Bill, London (United Kingdom)
1899Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing Co., District Court Decision (United States)
1900Artistic Copyright Bill, London (United Kingdom)
1900Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing Co., Circuit Court Decision (United States)
1902* Court of Cassation on moral rights (France) Commentary: [1]
1902Bleistein's Brief (United States)
1902Bleistein: Donaldson Lithographing Co. Brief (United States)
1902Bleistein: Three Posters (United States)
1903* Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing Co. (United States) Commentary: [1]
1903Bleistein: Cartoon (United States)