
Freedom to Print Non-Privileged Books, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1723)

Source: Kongelige Rescripter, Resolutioner og Collegialbreve for Danmark og Norge. 3 : 1699-1730, Gyldendal 1793.

Freedom to Print Non-Privileged Books, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1723), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: sc_1723

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Full title:
Rescript (...) concerning [the fact] that it now stands [that] all book printers are from now on free, after prior censorship and permission, to print both the prescribed Church Psalm Book and other clerical as well as secular books for which no other person has a legitimate [printing] privilege.

Full title original language:
Rescr. (...), ang. at det nu staaer enhver af Bogtrykkerne ibidem frit for, efter foregaaende Censur og Approbation (r) saavel den forordnede Kirke-Psalmebog (s) som andre geistlige og begjerlige Bøger, paa hvilke nogen Anden ikke har et særdeles Privilegium, at trykke.

Despite the close supervision of printers of religious literature that had already been established in the sixteenth century, this rescript stated that any printer in Copenhagen was now permitted, after prior censorship and approval, to print religious and desirable books for which no one else held a privilege. This somewhat sudden change in policy was prompted by a request from a printer who had printed a hymnal for which the privilege had expired, suggesting that the privilege policy of the eighteenth century was influenced by the market orientation of printers.

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Related documents in this database:
1723: Freedom to Print Non-Privileged Books, Denmark–Norway

Author: Frederick IV of Denmark

Publisher: Gyldendal

Year: 1723

Location: Copenhagen

Language: Danish

Source: Kongelige Rescripter, Resolutioner og Collegialbreve for Danmark og Norge. 3 : 1699-1730, Gyldendal 1793.

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Institutions referred to:
The University of Copenhagen


books, protected subject matter
privileges, printing
religious works

Responsible editor: Marius Buning

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