
Privilege of Printing Pontoppidan's Catechism Granted to the Royal Orphanage, Copenhagen (1737)

Source: Kongelige Rescripter, Resolutioner og Collegialbreve for Danmark og Norge. 4:1 : 1730-1739, Gyldendal 1788. The National Library of Norway.

Privilege of Printing Pontoppidan's Catechism Granted to the Royal Orphanage, Copenhagen (1737), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: sc_1737

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Full title:
Rescript (to the College of Missions) whereby the Vajsenhus in Copenhagen is granted the privilege of printing exclusively the catechism which the King has allowed to be written by the court preacher E. Pontopiddan

Full title original language:
Rescr. (til Missionscollegium), hvorved Vaisenhuset i Kjøbenhavn forundes Privilegium, alene at lade trykke den Catechismi-forklaring, som Kongen ved Hofprædikant E. Pontoppidan har ladet forfatte

This rescript granted the Copenhagen Orphanage the privilege of printing Erich Pontopiddan’s Explanation of Martin Luther's Catechism, and emphasised the illegality of reprinting it at locally or abroad. It is noteworthy that this privilege was granted to an institution rather than to a specific printer. By retaining this privilege, the Copenhagen Orphanage secured ownership of a book that was used as a compulsory textbook for confirmation classes in Denmark from 1737 to 1794.

Commentary: No commentaries for this record.


Related documents in this database:
1737: Privilege of Printing Pontoppidan's Catechism Granted to the Royal Orphanage

Author: N/A

Publisher: Gyldendal

Year: 1737

Location: Copenhagen

Language: Danish

Source: Kongelige Rescripter, Resolutioner og Collegialbreve for Danmark og Norge. 4:1 : 1730-1739, Gyldendal 1788. The National Library of Norway.

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Institutions referred to:
The Vajsenhus


learning, the advancement
price regulation
privileges, printing

Responsible editor: Marius Buning

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