
Beier: On the Book Trade and its Privileges, Jena (1690)

Source: Scanned from a reprint edited by Reinhard Wittmann (Munich: Kraus International Publishing, 1981)

Beier: On the Book Trade and its Privileges, Jena (1690), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: d_1690a

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Full title:
Short Account of the Useful and Laudable Book Trade and its Privileges

Full title original language:
Kurtzer Bericht von der Nützlichen und Fürtrefflichen Buch-Handlung und Deroselben Privilegien. Auffge[se]tzet von Adrian Beiern, J.C.

When Beier points to the benefit of even unlicensed abridged versions, his argument is quite similar to the modern economic concept of network externalities. The more attention people pay even to a corrupted version, the more buyers there will be of the original, too. In Beier's view both the author and his publisher have to give their consent first to any adaptations of their works, and it is only 'fair and just' for them to complain if they are not asked beforehand. However, the 'first publisher' - as Beier puts it at the very end - is the supreme authority. Even if Beier did not put forward any new arguments in the plagiarism and reprinting disputes of the seventeenth century, his books do shed light on the standard practices of printing privileges and, in general, on the book publishing and trading industry of his time.

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Related documents in this database:

Author: Adrian Beier (1634-1698)

Publisher: Johann Meyer

Year: 1690

Location: Jena

Language: German

Source: Scanned from a reprint edited by Reinhard Wittmann (Munich: Kraus International Publishing, 1981)

Persons referred to:
Carpzov, Benedict Jr
Doneau, Hugues
Hilliger, Oswald
Limnaeus, Johannes

Places referred to:

Cases referred to:
Conring v. Oldenburger (plagiarism case)
Erfurt Law Faculty's memorandum of 1669 on an unauthorised abridged edition of a law treat ...

Institutions referred to:
Erfurt Law Faculty


authorship, legal concept of
book trade
editions, new
oral works, protected subject matter
printing, history of
privileges, French
privileges, Saxon

Responsible editor: Friedemann Kawohl

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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK