
Chodowiecki's Allegory 'Works of Darkness', Berlin (1781)

Source: Antiquariat Voerster in Stuttgart

Chodowiecki's Allegory 'Works of Darkness', Berlin (1781), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: d_1775

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Full title:
Works of Darkness. A Contribution to the History of the Book Trade in Germany. Presented Allegorically for the Benefit of and as a Warning to All Honest Booksellers.

Full title original language:
Werke der Finsternis. Der Beitrag zur Geschichte des Buchhandels in Deutschland. Allegorisch vorgestellt zum besten auch zur Warnung aller ehrliebenden Buchhändler. zu finden bei C. F. Himburg in Berlin

Ironically, Christian Friedrich Himburg, the Berlin publisher of the copper print was himself to be branded a pirate for a 1777 two-volume Goethe edition, which in its turn was soon reprinted by two other publishers: in 1778 by Schmieder in Karlsruhe and by Fleischhauer in Reutlingen.

Commentary: No commentaries for this record.

  • Opitz, Detlev, 'Vom Schreiben' 6 (= Marbacher Magazin 88) (Marbach: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 1999), 266-

  • Estermann, Monika, 'Wercke der Finsternis: Zu einem Blatt Daniel Chodowieckis', Buchhandelsgeschichte, 103 (1997): 103-108

Related documents in this database:
1785: Austrian Statutes on Censorship and Printing

Author: Daniel Chodowiecki

Publisher: C. F. Himburg

Year: 1781

Location: Berlin

Language: German

Source: Antiquariat Voerster in Stuttgart

Persons referred to:
Chodowiecki, Daniel
Himburg, Christian Friedrich
Nicolai, Friedrich
Reich, Philipp Erasmus
Swieten, Gerhard van
Trattner, Johann Thomas von

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book trade
moral obligations
property analogies

Responsible editor: Friedemann Kawohl

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