
Renewed Censorship Legislation, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1799)

Source: Schou, Jacob Henric, Chronologisk Register over de Kongelige Forordninger og aabne Breve, som fra Aar 1670 af ere udkomne, tilligemed et nøiagtigt Udtog af de endnu gieldende, for saavidt samme i Almindelighed angaae Undersaatterne i Danmark og Norge : forsynet med et alphabetisk Register : XII Deel. Som indeholder K. Christian VII Frr. fra 1797 til 1799, Trykt, paa Forfatterens Bekostning, ved N. Christensen, Kjøbenhavn 1800.

Renewed Censorship Legislation, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1799), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: sc_1799

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Full title:
Ordinance specifying and defining the limits of freedom of the press

Full title original language:
Fr., som nærmere forklarer og bestemmer Trykkefrihedens Grændser

This ordinance specified the boundaries between legality and illegality in almost all areas of the book market, regulated both handwritten and oral communication, and introduced stricter censorship laws after almost three decades of moderate policies, making it a watershed in the history of printing in Denmark-Norway. The ordinance's stipulation that printing required a royal privilege shows that the state considered its policy of privilege necessary to keep the market in check. It formed the basis of printing policy until 1814 for Norway and 1848 for Denmark.

Commentary: No commentaries for this record.


Related documents in this database:
1799: Renewed Censorship Legislation, Denmark–Norway

Author: Christian VII of Denmark

Publisher: N. Christensen

Year: 1799

Location: Copenhagen

Language: Danish

Source: Schou, Jacob Henric, Chronologisk Register over de Kongelige Forordninger og aabne Breve, som fra Aar 1670 af ere udkomne, tilligemed et nøiagtigt Udtog af de endnu gieldende, for saavidt samme i Almindelighed angaae Undersaatterne i Danmark og Norge : forsynet med et alphabetisk Register : XII Deel. Som indeholder K. Christian VII Frr. fra 1797 til 1799, Trykt, paa Forfatterens Bekostning, ved N. Christensen, Kjøbenhavn 1800.

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censorship, pre-publication
enlightenment, the
immoral works

Responsible editor: Marius Buning

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