João Pedro Bonominis de Cremona was an Italian printer who at some point worked jointly with Valentim Fernandes, in Portugal, on the printing of a work of a religious nature, authored by Dom Diego Ortiz, entitled Cathecismo pequeno da doctrina e instruçam que os xpaãos ham de crer e obrar pera conseguir a benaventurança eterna
Later the name of João Pedro Bonominis de Cremona emerges in a letter from King Dom Manuel to Thomé Lopez, an overseer. In this document, João Pedro de Carmona is ordered by King Dom Manuel to print a second edition of the five books of the royal ordinances. The king orders parchments to be delivered to Carmona, who does acknowledge receipt of 120 units on the back of the letter.
The printmaker also states that he was given the parchments by virtue of the award by the King of the privilege to print the royal ordinations.The relevant document may be deemed a letter entailing a printing privilege.
Commentary by Victor Drummond & Translation by Patricia Akester