
Select Committee Report: Minutes of Evidence, London (1818)

Source: ProQuest: Parliamentary Papers (1818) Paper No.280, IX.257-423

Select Committee Report: Minutes of Evidence, London (1818), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: uk_1818a

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Full title:
Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Copyright Acts 8 Anne, c.19; 15 Geo.III, c.53; 41 Geo.III, c.107; and 54 Geo.III, c.116, (1818) Paper No.280, IX.257-423

Full title original language:

This document is associated with the following core document: uk_1814

Commentary: No commentaries for this record.


Related documents in this database:
1812: Petition of the London Booksellers
1813: Petition of the Printers of London and Westminster
1813: Petition of the Edinburgh Booksellers
1813: Report of the Acts Respecting Copyright
1813: Select Committee Report on Acts for the Encouragement of Learning
1813: Select Committee Report: Minutes of Evidence
1814: Copyright Act
1814: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (10 May)
1814: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (19 May)
1814: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (12 July)
1814: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (18 July)
1814: Bill to amend Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (18 May)
1814: Bill to amend Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (7 June)
1814: Bill to amend Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (12 July)
1814: Bill to amend Acts for the Encouragement of Learning (15 July)
1818: Select Committee Report on the Copyright Acts
1826: Letter from Noah Webster to Daniel Webster

Author: N/A

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1818

Location: London

Language: English

Source: ProQuest: Parliamentary Papers (1818) Paper No.280, IX.257-423

Persons referred to:
Abbot, Charles, 1st Baron Colchester
Ackerman, Rudolph
Aikin, Arthur
Aikin, John
Allwood, Rev Philip
Ames, Joseph
Andrews, Henry Charles
Anstruther, Sir Alexander
Astle, Thomas
Baber, Henry Hervey
Baldwin, Robert
Bandinel, Rev. Dr. Bulkeley
Banks, Sir Joseph
Barclay, Alexander
Barrett, George
Barrow, Isaac
Bawdwen, William
Bensley, Thomas
Bernard, Sir Thomas
Blackstone, William
Bliss, Philip
Bodley, Sir Thomas
Boucher, Jonathan
Bowles, William Lisle
Bowyer, Robert
Bradley, James
Britton, John
Brooke, Samuel
Brookshaw, George
Brotier, Gabriel
Bruce, James
Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton
Buchanan, Dr Francis
Buckley, Samuel
Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de
Buller, Sir Francis
Burn, Richard
Burney, Charles Jr.
Butterworth, John
Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale
Cadell, Thomas, Jr.
Cadell, Thomas, Sr.
Camden, William
Cavallo, Tiberius
Charles II
Chitty, Joseph
Christian, Edward
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Clarke, Edward Daniel
Clarke, John
Clémencet, Charles
Cochrane, John George
Cooke, William
Cooke, William Bernard
Cotman, John Sell
Coxe, William
Cromwell, Oliver
Curtis, William
D'Israeli, Isaac
Damm, Christian Tobias
Daniell, Thomas
Daniell, William
Dante Alighieri
Dart, John
Davies, William
Davy, William
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall
Dodwell, Edward
Donovan, Edward
Dryden, John
Du Cange, Charles Dufresne, Sieur
Dubois, Jean-Antoine
Dugdale, Sir William
Duppa, Richard
East, Sir Edward Hyde
Edgeworth, Maria
Edmondson, Joseph
Edward VI
Eldon, John Scott, 1st Earl of
Elgin, Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of
Elizabeth I
Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st Baron
Ellis, Sir Henry
Ernesti, John August
Estienne, Henri II
Evans, Robert Harding
Fabian, Robert
Fisher, Thomas
Flaxman, John
Forbes, James
Froissart, Jean
Fuller, Thomas
Gaisford, Thomas
Geldart, Thomas Charles
Gell, Sir William
George III
Gibbon, Edward
Gifford, William
Gough, Richard
Graevius, Johann Georg
Greene, Robert
Greenhill, George
Gronovius, Jacobus
Gutch, John
Hakluyt, Richard
Hale, Sir Matthew
Hansard, Luke
Harding, Joseph
Harraden, Richard Bankes
Hatsell, John
Havell, Robert, Sr.
Haviland, John
Hawkins, Sir John
Heber, Reginald
Henry VIII
Hickes, George
Hogarth, William
Holford, Margaret
Holinshed, Raphael
Holmes, Robert
Hooker, William Jackson
Hough, John
Humboldt, Alexander, Baron von
Hume, David
Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon
Inchbald, Elizabeth, née Simpson
James I
Johnes, Thomas
Johnson, Joseph
Johnson, Samuel
Joinville, Jean, Sire de
Jonson, Ben
Joyce, Jeremiah
Kaye, John
Kennet, White
Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, 1st Baron
Kerridge, Mr.
Kidd, Thomas
King, Edward
Kirby, William
Knapp, John Leonard
Lackington, James
Lacroix, Sylvestre François de
Lambert, Aylmer Bourke
Lavater, Johann Kaspar
Le Sage, Alain René
Lodge, Sir Edmund
Longman, Thomas Norton
Lysons, Samuel
Macdiarmid, John
Macklin, Thomas
Malory, Sir Thomas
Maltby, Edward
Manning, Owen
Margaret of Anjou
Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of
Marsham, Thomas
Martin, John
Martin, William
Maseres, Francis
Maskelyne, Nevil
Matthews, John
Maurice, Rev Thomas
Mawman, Joseph
McLeod, John
Miller, Philip
Monstrelet, Enguerrand de
Montagu, George
More, Hannah
Morell, Thomas
Muratori, Ludovico Antonio
Murray, Alexander
Murray, John, II
Napoleon I
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount Nelson
Newton, Sir Isaac
Nichols, John
Nott, Dr. John
Ormerod, George
Paine, Thomas
Paley, William
Paris, Matthew
Parker, Matthew
Parry, Henry
Pearson, John
Pennant, Thomas
Phillimore, Joseph
Platt, Thomas
Pope, Alexander
Porson, Richard
Porter, Jane
Prynne, William
Purchas, Samuel
Reed, Isaac
Rees, Abraham
Rees, Owen
Rennie, John, 'the Elder'
Repton, Humphrey
Richardson, John
Robertson, William
Rodwell, Mr.
Roscoe, William
Ruding, Rogers
Salt, Henry
Schleusner, Johann Friedrich
Schneider, J.G.
Schrevelius, Cornelius
Schweighauser, Johann Gottfried
Scott, Sir Walter
Shakespeare, William
Sharpe, Rev. Lancelot
Shaw, Rev Stebbing
Sibthorpe, John
Slade, James
Smeaton, John
Smirke, Robert
Smith, John
Socinus, Faustus
Socinus, Laelius
Somers, John, 1st Baron
Southey, Robert
Sowerby, James
Spencer-Stanhope, John
Stanhope, Charles, 3rd Earl Stanhope
Steevens, George
Stillingfleet, Edward
Stothard, Charles
Strutt, Joseph
Stuart, James
Swift, Jonathan
Tacitus, Publius
Taylor, Brook
Taylor, Dr. John
Taylor, Dr. Thomas
Taylor, Josiah
Taylor, Richard
Thornton, Robert John
Thou, Jacques Auguste de
Todd, Rev. Henry John
Tomlins, Sir Thomas Edlyne
Triphook, Robert
Turner, Dawson
Turner, Joseph Mallord William
Turner, Sharon
Ugolino, Blasio
Upcott, William
Valpy, Abraham John
Vesey, Francis
Villiers, John
Vincent, William
Wakefield, Gilbert
Walton, Brian
Warton, Joseph
Webb, Rev. William
Whitaker, Thomas Dunham
Whiter, Walter
William of Malmesbury
Williams-Wynn, Charles Watkins
Willyams, Rev Cooper
Wolsey, Thomas
Wood, Anthony
Woodfall, George
Woodhouse, Robert
Wyttenbach, Daniel Albert
Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke

Places referred to:
Great Britain
South America

Cases referred to:
Beckford v. Hood (1798) 7 D. & E. 620
University of Cambridge v. Bryer (1812) 16 East's 317

Institutions referred to:
Antiquarian Society, London
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Bodleian Library, Oxford
British Museum
Cabinet des Estampes (Print Room, National Library, Paris)
Cambridge University Library
Christ Church College, Oxford
Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Court of King's Bench
Downing College, Cambridge
East India Company
Exeter College, Oxford
Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh
Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
House of Commons
Institut de France
Jesus College, Cambridge
King's College Chapel, Cambridge
Lambeth Palace
Lincoln's Inn
Linnean Society
Merchant Taylors School
Radcliffe Science Library, Oxford
Royal Library
Senate of Cambridge University
Sion College, London
Society of Civil Engineers
St John's College, Oxford
St Peter's College, Oxford
Star Chamber
Stationers' Company
Stationers' Hall
Tower of London
Trinity College, Cambridge
Trinity College, Dublin
University and King's College of Aberdeen
University of Cambridge
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of Oxford
University of St. Andrews

Act of Union, 1800, 40 Geo.III, c.38
An Act against Unlicensed and Scandalous Books and Pamphlets 1649
Copyright Act, 1775, 15 Geo.III, c.53
Copyright Act, 1801, 41 Geo.III, c.107
Copyright Act, 1814, 54 Geo.III, c.156
Engravers' Copyright Act, 1777, 17 Geo.III, c.57
French Copyright Act 1793
Licensing Act, 1662, 13 & 14 Car.II, c.33
Statute of Anne, 1710, 8 Anne, c.19
U.S. Copyright Act 1790, 1 Stat. 124 (1790)

author/publisher relations
authors, self-publishing
book market
book trade
classics, Greek and Latin
editions, new
employer/employee relations
foreign reprints
law books
scholarly writing

Responsible editor: Ronan Deazley

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