
Royal Charter for Licensing , Madrid (1554)

Source: Biblioteca Nacional de España; BNE. page 123 from Novísima recopilación de las Leyes de España. (Madrid: [s.n.], 1805-1807) -Signature 1/6722.

Royal Charter for Licensing , Madrid (1554), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: s_1554

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Full title:
Royal Charter for Licensing

Full title original language:
Reglas que se han de observar en el Consejo sobre licencias para imprimir libros. Ordenanzas del Consejo. Carlos I y Príncipe D. Felipe

One of the most recognizable institutions of sixteenth century censorship in Spain was the Royal Council (Consejo Real). The institution was vested with absolute licensing power by a royal decree enacted in 1554. In light of the chaos caused by the plurality of licensing authorities, the enactment of this decree is a key moment in the development of censorial practices in the Spanish book trade. It was also the starting point for jurisdictional cross-fertilisation and a sequence of systematic legislative royal attempts to control the production and distribution of books in Spain.

1 Commentary:

  • Eguizábal, J. E. Apuntes para una historia de la legislación española sobre imprenta: desde el año de 1480 al presente 1873. Madrid: Imprenta de la Revista de Legislación, 1879.

  • Lea, C. H. "Chapter 4." In A History of the Inquisition of Spain, vol. 3. New York: Macmillan, 1907.

  • Martínez Millán, J. “Aportaciones a la formación del Estado moderno y a la política española a través de la censura inquisitorial durante el periodo 1480-1559." In La Inquisición española: Nuevas visiones, nuevos horizontes, 537-578. Edited by J. Pérez Villanueva. Madrid: siglo XXI, 1980.

  • Pinto Crespo, V. Inquisición y control ideológico en la España del siglo XVI. Madrid: Taurus, 1983.

Related documents in this database:
1477: Tax Exemption for Books
1502: Licensing Rules
1506: Nebrija's Printing Privilege
1558: Censorship Rules
1604: Petition for licence and privilege by Cervantes
1605: Don Quixote’s Privilege
1752: Juan Curiel as Censor
1762: Free Trade Regulations
1763: Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid

Author: N/A

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1554

Location: Madrid

Language: Spanish

Source: Biblioteca Nacional de España; BNE. page 123 from Novísima recopilación de las Leyes de España. (Madrid: [s.n.], 1805-1807) -Signature 1/6722.

Persons referred to:

Places referred to:
La Coruña

Cases referred to:

Institutions referred to:
Royal Council


book trade
books, protected subject matter
printing, history of

Responsible editor: Xalabarder Bellido and Casas Vallès

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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK