
Imperial Privilege for Johannes Eck, Augsburg / Ingolstadt (1516)

Source: Universitätsbibliothek, Freie Universität Berlin, 34/74/7764(0)

Imperial Privilege for Johannes Eck, Augsburg / Ingolstadt (1516), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: d_1516a

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Full title:
Imperial privilege granted to Johannes Eck for his edition of Joannes Argyropoulus's translation of Aristotle's works into Latin

Full title original language:
Aristotelis Stragyrite Diale||ctica: c qui#[que] vocibus Porphyrii Phe||nicis: Argyropilo traductore: a Joanne Eckio || Theologo facili explanatione declarata: adnotatio||nibus compendiarijs illustrata: ac scholastico exer||citio explicata: ... ||

This document is associated with the core document: d_1513. This is an example of a privilege granted to a distinguished scholar for an edition which was to be used and bought mainly by university students. As outlined in the commentary to d_1513, the Ingolstadt professor Johannes Eck applied for both Imperial and Bavarian privileges. Ingolstadt was a Bavarian university town, but it seems that there was no printing shop there which could satisfy Eck's expectations. So after editing the various volumes of the translation, he ordered several copies to be printed by Johann Miller in Augsburg, at that time a Free Imperial town and thus not subject to Bavarian ducal jurisdiction. Eck bought the greater part, if not the whole of this Augsburg-printed edition. With regard to his edition of Petrus Hispanus, Eck expressed the hope that he would recoup his investments eight times over ('speroque eos finem habituros in octavo') in a letter of 17 April 1516 to Nikolaus Ellenbog (cf. Johannes Eck, 'Briefwechsel', an online resource edited by Vinzenz Pfnür at: As one can read on the last page, the Aristotle edition 'was produced in Miller's Augsburg printing shop' ('Excusa in officina Millerana Augustae Vindelicorum'). The reference to Miller as just the producer confirms Eck's role as the publisher. The left side of the coat-of-arms on the title-page refers to the foundation of Ingolstadt University in 1473 ('Ingolstadium 1473'). The price of the volumes was fixed by the University to 20 kreuzer (cf. the online commentary to Eck's letter of 17 April 1516). The privilege also grants protection for an edition of works by Petrus Hispanus and the 'explanations or commentaries [on Aristotle's 'Logic' and 'Physics'] for a period of ten years after the day of printing' ('explanatione sive commentarios in decennio subsequenti ab ea die qua ipsi commentarii impressi fuerint'), and was issued by the Imperial Councillor Cyprian of Serentein (Northeim) on 22 January 1516 in Augsburg on behalf of Emperor Maximilian I.

Commentary: No commentaries for this record.


Related documents in this database:
1513: Imperial privilege for Eucharius Rösslin
1517: Privilege of the Duke of Bavaria
1560: Counterfeited papal privilege

Author: Johannes Eck / Aristotle / Joannes Argyropoulos

Publisher: Johannes Miller /Johannes Eck

Year: 1516

Location: Augsburg / Ingolstadt

Language: Latin

Source: Universitätsbibliothek, Freie Universität Berlin, 34/74/7764(0)

Persons referred to:
Eck, Johannes
Miller, Johann
Petrus Hispanus
Serntein, Zyprian von

Places referred to:

Cases referred to:

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books, protected subject matter
price regulation
privileges, Bavarian
privileges, German Imperial
scholarly writing

Responsible editor: Friedemann Kawohl

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