
Literary Property Act , Madrid (1847)

Source: Archivo del Congreso de los Diputados, Exp. Propiedad Literaria (1847)

Literary Property Act , Madrid (1847), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: s_1847

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Full title:
Literary Property Act (1847)

Full title original language:
Ley de Propiedad Literaria

The liberal movement towards a law of copyright culminated in the 1847 Literary Property Act. For many scholars this should be considered the first modern Spanish copyright law. The commentary here explores three different themes. First, it looks at the French influence on the impetus for the law and develops an interpretation of the impact a diplomatic dispatch had in the Spanish government. Second, it briefly summarises the parliamentary discussions. And third, it explains the basic features of the law such as the complex regulation granted to translations.

1 Commentary:

  • Dánvila y Collado, M., La Propiedad Intelectual (Madrid: Imprenta de la Correspondencia de España, 1882)

  • García Goyena, F. Febrero o Librería de Jueces, Abogados y Escribanos (Madrid: Imprenta y Librería de Gaspar y Roig 1852)

  • Semblanzas de los 340 diputados a Cortes que han figurado en la legislatura de 1849 a 1850 (Madrid: Imprenta de Gabriel Gil, 1850)

  • Vergara, M. De la Propiedad Literaria (Madrid: Imprenta de Miguel Arcas y Sánchez, 1861)

Related documents in this database:
1813: Rules to preserve the property of authors over their works
1837: Royal Order on Dramatic Copyright
1837: Royal Order on Music Copyright
1838: Remarks on Literary Property
1848: Copyright Formalities: Registration
1854: Franco-Spanish Bilateral Copyright Treaty
1857: Anglo-Spanish Copyright Treaty
1861: Supreme Court on Originality
1862: Bretón de los Herreros' Copyright Contract
1868: Colonial Copyright Extensions
1877: Supreme Court on Music Copyright
1878: Spanish Copyright Formalities: Certificates
1879: Copyright Act
1894: Copyright Formalities: Bulletin

Author: N/A

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1847

Location: Madrid

Language: Spanish

Source: Archivo del Congreso de los Diputados, Exp. Propiedad Literaria (1847)

Persons referred to:
Coello de Portugal y Quesada, Diego
Fitz-James Stuart y Ventimiglia, Jacobo
Juan Comyn Comyn, Juan
Rodríguez Vaamonde, Florencio
Vahey Alba, Federico

Places referred to:

Cases referred to:

Institutions referred to:
Congress of Deputies

Spanish Literary Property Act (1847)

anonymous works
authorship, legal concept of
books, protected subject matter
dramatic works, protected subject matter
international agreements, bilateral
music, protected subject matter
translation, right of

Responsible editor: Bellido, Xalabarder & Casas Vallès

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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK