# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Renewed Censorship Legislation, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1799)

Source: Schou, Jacob Henric, Chronologisk Register over de Kongelige Forordninger og aabne Breve, som fra Aar 1670 af ere udkomne, tilligemed et nøiagtigt Udtog af de endnu gieldende, for saavidt samme i Almindelighed angaae Undersaatterne i Danmark og Norge : forsynet med et alphabetisk Register : XII Deel. Som indeholder K. Christian VII Frr. fra 1797 til 1799, Trykt, paa Forfatterens Bekostning, ved N. Christensen, Kjøbenhavn 1800.

Renewed Censorship Legislation, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1799), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 16 of 16 total

or county official concerned, who shall in turn report the matter to the Collegium.

28.) If the Chancellery finds that a Chief of Police or a Commanding Officer has been negligent in the supervision required of him by this Ordinance, the said Collegium shall hold the negligent official responsible. Otherwise, the Chancellery itself shall enforce and observe these commandments with zeal and vigour, as it will be accountable to the King for doing so.

The King having, by this ordinance, laid down the limits of the freedom of the press, and having thus carefully endeavoured to restrain its abuse, without placing obstacles in the way of the free expression of thought by good, enlightened, and upright men. In order to avoid misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the word “defame” [laster] (which is used in several sections of this legislation because it is generic and the language of our older laws), He will add the remark that the said expression means to attribute to a person or to the act done such an imperfection as cannot be consistent with its intention. Thus (for example) the form of government of the state and the religion protected by the laws of the country are defamed when such defects are attributed to them that the purpose of civil society (civil liberty, security and general welfare) could not be achieved or could not exist [because of it].



mand eller Amtmand, som igien indberetter Sagen til Cancelliet.

28.) Skulde Cancelliet finde nogen Politiemester eller Befalingsmand efterladen i det Tilsyn, som denne Anordning gjør dem til Pligs, da skal bemeldte Collegium drage den forsømmelige Embedsmand til Ansvar. I øvrigt skal Cancelliet selv med Nidkierhed og Kraft haandthæve og overholde disse Bud, saaledes, som det derfor vil staae Kongen til Regnskab.

Efterat Kongen, ved denne Anordning, har bestemt Trykkefrihedens Grændser, og derved omhyggeligen søgt at hemme dens Misbrug, uden at lægge Hindringer i Veien for gode, oplyste og retskafne Mænds frimodige Tanke-Yttring; vil Han, med Hensyn til at afværge al Mistydning og urigtig Fortolkning af det Ord: at laste (som i adskillige af denne Lovgivnings Paragrapher er anvendt, fordi det er generisk, og vore ældre Loves Sprog), endnu tilføie den Anmærkning, at bemeldte Udtryk betyder, at tillægge den person eller Ting, om hvilken der handles, en saadan Ufuldkommenhed, som ei kan bestaae med dens Hensigt. Saaledes /til Exempel) lastes Statens Regieringsform og den ved Landets Love beskyttede Religion, naar disse tillægges saadanne Mangler, at Borgersamfundets Formaal (borgerlig Frihed, Sikkerhed og Almeenvel) ikke derved kunde opnaaes eller bestaae.



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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK