# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Supreme Court on Originality , Madrid (1861)

Source: Archivo del Tribunal Supremo. id. Cendoj: 28079110011861100099

Supreme Court on Originality , Madrid (1861), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 5 of 8 total

      which belonged to him and consequently he committed
      a true plagiarism, included in the provisions of the
      aforementioned Act and he should be punished for it:
            Considering,that even if the aforementioned law
      is applicable to the matter from such point of view,
      it would be necessary for this alleged plagiarism to exist that
      the idea or method that Hurtado published as the original,
      had been the same in concept as before, and prior to the legal
      requirements for Pujals to acquire ownership, and that no one else
      before him had published it:
            Considering that three experts, two of them appointed
      by the appellant, and whose scientific appraisal was requested
      for submission at this point of the debate, they were asked
      questions raised by him, besides declaring that the development
      of his thoughts there is a substantial difference throughout each of


            tilla, cuya propiedad le estaba declarada, y que por con-
            consiguiente habia cometido un verdadero plagio, com-
            prendido en las prescripciones de dicha ley y penado por
                  Considerando que aun cuando pudiera ser apli-
            cable la referida ley á la cuestion mirada bajo el pun-
            to de vista que se acaba de enunciar, seria necesario
            para que existiese el plagio que se supone, que la idea
            ó método publicado, como original, por Hurtado, lo
            hubiese sido en igual concepto con anterioridad, y pre-
            vio los requisitos legales para adquirir su propiedad,
            por Pujals, y que ningun otro antes que el le hubiera
            dado á conocer:
                  Considerando que tres peritos, dos de ellos nombra-
            dos por parte del recurrente, y á cuya apreciación cien-
            tifica pidió que se sometiese el punto á que se hallaba
            reducido el debate, contestando á las preguntas formula-
            das por el mismo, además de declarar que en la marcha
            que cada uno há seguido en el desarrollo de su pensa-
            miento hay notable diferencia, manifestaron que en


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK