# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Supreme Court on Originality , Madrid (1861)

Source: Archivo del Tribunal Supremo. id. Cendoj: 28079110011861100099

Supreme Court on Originality , Madrid (1861), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 4 of 8 total

      although the decision was based on the fact that
      the Cartilla (Primer) had already been
      published by the Sala y Armella brothers, when this concept
      is otherwise.
       Verified by Minister Gabriel Ceruelo de Velasco
      who was the Reporting Judge:
            Considering that, according to Art. 1 of the law
      of 10 June 1847 and for its effects, literary property
      means the exclusive right of the authors of original writings
      to reproduce them or to authorize their reproduction by means
      of manuscript, printed, lithographed copies, or by any other
      similar means,and that Art. 10 prohibits reproducing someone
      else’s work without permission from its author, under the pretext
      of annotating, commenting on it, adding it or improving its edition.
            Considering that Mr. Tomás Hurtado, when he published his
      Nuevo método de lectura (New reading method) did not
      reproduce the original writing, that is, the same
      work that Mr. Vicente Pujals issued for the same purpose,
      as he clearly recognizes in his documents, he confined himself to claiming
      that Hurtado had taken and reproduced as his own, the idea or method adopted
      by him in his cartilla (Primer),


            ley sobre propiedad literaria y uno de los axiomas
            que rigen en todo procedimiento, toda vez que la senten-
            cia se funda en que antes que el recurrente habian publi
            cado su Cartilla los hermanos Sala y Armella, cuando
            en su concepto resulta lo contrario.
                  Vistos, siendo Ponente el Ministro D. Gabriel Ce-
            ruelo de Velasco:
                  Considerando que según el artículo primero de
            la ley de diez de junio de mil ochocientos cuarenta y siete;
            y para los efectos de ella, por propiedad literaria se en-
            tiende el derecho exclusivo que compete á los autores de es-
            critos originales para reproducirlos ó autorizar su re-
            produccion por medio de copias manuscritas, impresas,
            litografiadas ó por cualquier otro semejante, y que
            por el 10 se prohibe reproducir una obra agena con
            pretesto de anotarla, comentarla, adicionarla ó mejorar
            la edicion, sin permiso de su autor.
                  Considerando que D. Tomás Hurtado publi-
            cando su Nuevo método de lectura no reprodujo el escri-
            to original ó sea la misma obra que con igual objeto
            habia dado antes á la luz D. Vicente Pujals, como lo re-
            conoce este terminante en sus escritos, limitándose á
            sostener que Hurtado habia tomado y reproducido, co
            mo suya, la idea ó metodo adoptado por él en su car-


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK