# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Copyright Regulations, Madrid (1880)

Source: scanned from Legislación de Propiedad Intelectual (Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1881) pp. 35-75

Copyright Regulations, Madrid (1880), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 3 of 21 total

2.-            For music composers
to comply with similar formalities,
submitting three copies of the work,
if it has been printed. If the work has
been performed but not printed, it is
enough to comply with the conditions
set up in article 36 of the Act, submitting
the copy to the central copyright office
at the Ministry of Public Works.
            All copyright transfers,
irrespective of their value, must be
formalized in a public deed and
recorded in the corresponding register.
The transferee shall not be be protected
by the law if this requirement is not met.
            The expert evidence mentioned
in art 27 of the Act shall be produced in
accordance to procedural (civil) rules,
the outcome of which shall be binding
upon the Courts.
            Additionally, all issues regarding
dramatic and musical works shall be subject
to the provisions specified in the title II of this
Official documents
            If one of the litigants,
or his lawyer, sought to exercise the
right conferred by articles 16,

17 and 18 of this Act, they shall request
the Court concerned, which shall grant
or reject the licence, taking into account
the public interest or family interests and
the provisions established under art. 947
of the criminal procedural Act.
            In proceedings or cases where
the Public prosecutor is or has been involved,
it is essential hear the Finance Minister
and the interested parties before granting
or refusing the corresponding licence.
            In order to access and copy
documents or papers preserved in state
archives, it shall be always necessary an
order of the Ministry to which they depend
or from the Head of the corresponding
department, if he has faculty to do so.
            Permission to publish statutes,
decrees, royal orders, regulations and other
dispositions issued by public authorities and
mentioned in article 28 of this Act may be
granted by the Minister, central department,
or authority that promulgated them, and they
shall consider whether critical annotations,
commentaries and notes deserve such title.
In any case, the date and the source of the
permission shall be duly acknowledged.


2.-            Que los compositores de música
cumplan iguales formalidades, presentando
tres ejemplares si se ha impreso la obra, y si
se ha representado, pero no impreso, bastará
cumplir lo preceptuado en el art. 36 de la ley,
remitiendo el ejemplar al Registro general del
Ministerio de Fomento.
            Toda transmisión de la propiedad
intelectual, cualquiera que sea su importancia,
deberá hacerse constar en documento públi-
co, que se inscribirá en el correspondiente registro,
sin cuyo requisito el adquirente no gozará de los
beneficios de la ley.
            La prueba pericial á que se refiere el art.
27 de la ley se ajustará á las reglas prescritas
por la de Enjuiciamiento civil, a cuyos resulta-
dos deberán atenerse los Tribunales.
            Todo lo referente á las obras dramáticas
y musicales se regirá además por el título II de
este Reglamento.
De los documentos oficiales
            Cuando alguna de las partes litigantes,
ó sus letrados, quisieren utilizar el derecho que
conceden los artículos 16,

17 y 18 de la Ley, acudirán al Tribunal senten-
ciador, que concederá o negará la licencia, aten-
diendo al interés público ó de las familias, y á
lo prevenido en el art. 947 de la Compilacion
general de las disposiciones vigentes sobre el
Enjuiciamiento criminal.
            En los pleitos ó causas en que sea ó haya
sido parte el Ministerio público será indispen-
sable, para conceder ó negar el permiso de que
se trata, oir al Ministerio fiscal y á las partes
            Para reconocer y sacar copias de docu-
mentos y papeles que se custodian en los Archivos
del Estado, se necesitará siempre una órden del
Ministerio de que estos dependan, ó del Jefe del
Establecimiento si estuviere autorizado para el
            La autorizacion para publicar las leyes,
decretos, Reales órdenes, reglamentos y demás
disposiciones que emanen de los poderes pú-
blicos, á que se refiere el art. 28 de la ley, se con-
cederá por el Ministerio, Centro directivo ó
Autoridad que las haya dictado, apreciando si
las notas críticas, comentarios ó anotaciones mer-
ecen este título, y haciéndose constar en todo
caso la fecha y origen de la autorizacion concedida.


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK