# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Casado's PhD on Copyright , Madrid (1859)

Source: Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid; D 51302

Casado's PhD on Copyright , Madrid (1859), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 4 of 13 total

            men, is also the first law that secures property,
            which has been strengthened throughout the
            first centuries What would be of the community
            when these sacred links since their birth and by
            so many laws were broken? It would disappear
            at the voice of revolutions, like the lily disappears
            from the onslaughts of the hurricane, or with
            the wasting of all the industries, the flowering
            plant from the Ecuador would be transferred to
            the polar regions. However, Your Excellency,
            some men, in the deliriums of their imagination,
            wanted to approach a beautiful ideal, or maybe
            overjoyed by the innovative reforms in their times,
            voiced against such an unquestionable right,
            believing that the vices of society were born on
            the bases upon which it was established.
            Intelligence gets lost when it is driven by passion!
            dece á las pasiones! Luckily the voice of these
            philosophers was lost like an echo in the
            immensity of space, and their doctrines, avidly
            adopted by some alarmed rabble in the political
            arena, dissapeared instantly, like a meteor that
            is extinguished in the darkness of the the night after
            having illuminated the space for a moment with its
            sinister radiance. Humanity had rejected such
            horrible deliriums: irrecusable proof


            hombres, es tambien la primera ley que garantiza
            la propiedad, tan robustecida despues en el tras-
            curso de los primeros siglos. ¿Qué seria del pueblo
            donde se quebraran esos vínculos consagrados desde
            su nacimiento por tantas generaciones y por tanto
            número de leyes? Desaparecía á la voz de las re-
            voluciones, como desaparece el lirio á los embates
            del huracán, ó con el marasmo de todas las indus-
            trias seria la planta del Ecuador trasladada á las
            regiones polares. Empero, Excmo. Señor, algunos
            hombres que en los delirios de su imaginacion qui-
            sieron acercarse al bello ideal, ó exaltados tal vez
            por las innovadoras reformas de su época, han de-
            clamado contra tan incuestionable derecho, creyen-
            do que los vicios de la sociedad eran nacidos de las
            bases ó instituciones sobre que estaba cimentada.
            ¡Cómo se estravía la inteligencia cuando obe-
            dece á las pasiones! Afortunadamente la voz de
            estos filósofos fue á perderse como un eco en la in-
            mensidad del espacio, y sus doctrinas, acogidas con
            avidez por algunas turbas alarmadas en el estadio
            de la política, desaparecieron instantáneamente, como
            el meteoro que se estingue en la oscuridad de la
            noche despues de haber iluminado por un momento
            el espacio con su siniestro resplandor. La humani-
            dad ha rechazado tan monstruosos delirios: prueba


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK