# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Royal Order on Dramatic Copyright , Madrid (1837)

Source: Archivo Histórico Nacional; AHN, Consejos, 11404, Exp. 026

Royal Order on Dramatic Copyright , Madrid (1837), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 3 of 5 total

            are represented disfigured and full
            of mutilations either because of errors
            in the copies provided or because of
            the ignorance of the actors, or the
            lack of guidance that the author
            could communicate to them, provoking
            an incalculable harm to the writers who
            dedicate themselves to write for the theatre
            and the violation of rights of property,
            guaranteed by our institutions and the
            institutions of all civilized countries.
            We beseech Your Majesty to issue a
            decree in which it is ordered that literary
            property is to be respected in all its parts,
            and thereby ordering that in no theatre
            in the Peninsula may any dramatic
            production be represented without the
            author's prior consent and an agreement
            that could secure him a compensation for
            his rights, and also prohibiting that the
            fact that play is already printed could serve
            as an excuse to contravene this general
            Madrid 4 February 1837
                        A.L.R.P. de V.M.
            Manuel Breton            Gretorio Romero
            de los Herreros            Larrañaga
            Antonio Garcia Gutierrez
            Juan Eugenio            Eugenio de Ochoa


            se representen desfiguradas y llenas de mu-
            tilaciones, ya por la infidelidad de las copias,
            que se proporcionan, ya por la ignoran-
            cia de los actores y ya enfin por carecer
            de los avisos que el autor pudiera
            comunicar, resultando de todo esto incalcu-
            lables perjuicios á los literatos que se de-
            dican á escribir para el teatro, y la trans-
            gresion de los derechos de propiedad, ga
            rantizados por nuestras instituciones y
            por las de todos los paises civilizados. Por
            lo que
            A. V. M.
            suplicamos se digne espedir un decreto en
            el que se mande respetar la propiedad
            literaria en todas sus partes, ordenando para
            ello que en ningun teatro de la Peninsu-
            sula se pueda representar ninguna pro-
            duccion dramatica sin que preceda el
            consentimiento de su autor y un con-
            venio que asegure á este la recompen-
            sa de sus derechos, sin que el estar ya
            impresa pueda servir de escusa para
            contravenir esta dispoción general
            Madrid 4 Febrero de 1837
                        A.L.R.P. de V.M.
            Manuel Breton            Gretorio Romero
            de los Herreros            Larrañaga
            Antonio Garcia Gutierrez
            Juan Eugenio            Eugenio de Ochoa


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK