# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Royal Order on Dramatic Copyright , Madrid (1837)

Source: Archivo Histórico Nacional; AHN, Consejos, 11404, Exp. 026

Royal Order on Dramatic Copyright , Madrid (1837), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 5 total

            not worth while to specify, the results of
            such benevolent intentions had
            stopped and the work of the
            Commission had not produced
            the effect expected. Although
            the lack of this law was felt in all
            the areas embraced by the said
            decree, there are nevertheless some
            in which public opinion or necessity
            have influenced favourably, facilitating
            substantial improvements. However.
            there is one area, that of the rights of
            dramatic writers, which is totally ignored,
            and bear the burden of the greatest
            impunity; when, according to the regulation
            of free press currently in force, they had
            to be guaranteed. All dramatic
            productions staged in any theatre or printed
            and even those that have not yet
            been represented or printed, are
            quickly reproduced in the rest of the
            theatres in the Peninsula without
            prior authorisation, without the
            knowledge of the author and sometimes
            against his will. The consequences of
            this practice are not only the deprivation
            of their property, taking away the just
            profit that for their work they should
            be expecting, but also they constitute
            the reason why dramatic works


            til determinar han detenido los re-
            sultados de tan beneficas intenciones
            y los trabajos de la Junta no han
            llegado á producir el efecto que de-
            ellos se esperaba. Aunque la
            falta de esta ley sea sensible
            en todos los estremos que abrazaba el
            citado decreto hay sin embargo al-
            gunos en los que la opinión pu-
            blica ó la necesidad han influido
            favorablemente haciendo en ellos me-
            joras de consideracion; pero uno, él
            de los derechos de los escritores dra-
            maticos, se halla enteramente desaten-
            dido, hallandose estos con la mayor
            impunidad; cuando por el reglamen-
            to de libertad de imprenta vigente
            debieran considerarse como garan-
            tizados. Todas las producciones dra-
            maticas que se representan en
            algun teatro ó se imprimen y
            las que aun carecen de alguna
            de estas dos circunstancias, se
            ven inmediatamente reproducidas
            en los demas teatros de la Peninsula
            sin preceder permiso, ni aun no-
            ticia del autor y algunas veces con-
            tra su voluntad. Las consecuencias
            de semejante modo de proceder,
            se estienden no solo á privar á los
            autores de la propiedad, quitandoles
            el justo lucro que de su trabajo de-
            ben esperar, sino tambien son cau-
            sa de que las obras dramaticas


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK