# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Kohler: Author's Right, Jena (1880)

Source: British Library 5604.aa.3

Kohler: Author's Right, Jena (1880), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 357 of 358 total


Rechtsgeschäft = legal transaction, 5, 34
            not an object of the author’s right, 189
Redaktor = editor, 179, 206
Rede = speech, at a trial, 190, in parliament, 194
            at community councils, 195, at congresses, 195,
            other types of speeches, 196
Reflexwirkungen = spill-over effects, 42, 57
regimental order, 193
register, 182
relief map, 186
Romans, their concept of the author’s right, 319f., their
            jurisprudence, 8, 14

Sammlungen = collections, 178, 190, 194, 206, 245, 347
Schumann, 225
Schutzfrist = protection term, where rights are held jointly, 264
            extension of, 314
serviens bona fide = serving (as a slave) in good faith, 9, 344
servitude, acquisition of, 256
sexual relationships, representation of in art, 198
Shakespeare, his originality, 217
            printing of his plays, 340
signal calls, 189
social consequences of ownership, 40
Spieluhren, Spieldosen = musical clocks, musical boxes etc., 231
Stadtplan = city map, 184
Ständchen = serenade, 241
statistical compilation, 183
Stellvertretung = agency by proxy in author’s rights, 201
stenography, 198, 231
Stoff einer Dichtung = subject of a poetic work, 171
synoptic table, 182

Table, 183
tachygraphy, 198, in Rome, 321
Tanz = dance, 188

[2nd column:]

tariff, 163, 183
Taschenbuch = pocket-book, of plants, 182
Tellurien = astronomical models of the earth’s movement, 186
Terence, 335
testamentary instructions about publication, 151, 349
text, 246
theatre calendar, 162
theatre play-bill, 165
Teilung = division, 259, 271
title, of books, of newspapers, 132, 136
Totenmaske = death-mask
transcription, 211, 236
Tchaikovsky, 347

Uebersetzungen = translations, 172, 208, 209
unsittliche Schriften = immoral works, 199
usufruct, 278
utilization, 215

Verbietungsrecht = prohibition right, 2
Verhandlungen = negotiations, public, 192
Verlagsrecht = publishing (copy) right, 283, 292
Verordnung = ordinance, 192
Vertragsauslegung = interpretation of contract, 29
vindication, 257, 303
Vorbehalt = reservation, 235, 239
Vorlesung = public reading, 196, of someone else’s work, 234

Water right, 52
weather forecast, 165
Wohnungsanzeiger = directory, 161
Wörterbuch = dictionary, 181

Zeichnungen = drawings, for teaching purposes, 184,
            architectural, 184, 226, of designs, 185
Zeitlichkeit = temporality of author’s right, 45, 348
Zeitungen = newspapers, 165, 177
Zwischenspiel = interlude, 237


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK