# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Kohler: Author's Right, Jena (1880)

Source: British Library 5604.aa.3

Kohler: Author's Right, Jena (1880), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 356 of 358 total


Freilassung = release, 251, 265
Fruchtrestitution = restitution of profit, 307

Gebetbuch = prayer book, 180
Gerichtskalender = law-court schedule, 162
Gesangbuch = songbook, 180
Gesetze = laws, 192
Gesetzgebungspolitik = legislative policy, 53
Gestaltung, künstlerische = artistic design, 171, 214
Geteiltes Autor- und Verlagsrecht = divided author’s and publication right, 273
Gewohnheitsrecht = common law
goods, immaterial, 67
Gypsabgüsse = plaster casts, 187

Handelskalender = business calendar, 161
Hermodorus, 326
Hirtenbrief = pastoral letter, 193

Illustration, 205, 226
individualism of ownership, 55, 110
individuality of a title, 135
individual (= personal) right, 74, 123, 147
injunction, 305
Inserat = advertisement in newspaper, 165
instinct in the development of culture, 99
instruction, 190
instrumentation, 198

Journal articles, 165, 177

Kalligraphische Übungen = calligraphy exercises, 185
Kammerverhandlungen = parliamentary debates, 194
K a n t on the author’s right, 346
Kapellmeister = orchestra conductor, 204
Karten = maps, 183, 193, embossed maps, 186
Katalog = catalogue, 162
Kautelarjurisprudenz = contractual case law, 237
Klagform = form of legal complaint, 189
Klassiker = classical authors, German, their attitude towards the author’s right,
84, 96
Kochbuch = cookery book, 179

Legal theory, with regard to ownership, 111
Lesebuch = reading-book (anthology), 180, 245
license, 295
logarithms, table of, 163
Lope de Vega, his originality, 218
            printing of his plays, 341

[2nd column:]

Marionettentheater = puppet theatre, 242
Martial, 323
medical calendar, 162
melody, 221
melodrama, 237
method, 197
Mitberechtigung = joint holding of a right, 249, 261
Molière, his originality, 218
            printing of his Précieuses ridicules, 341
monogram, 153
monopoly, 70, in Rome, 331, elsewhere in Antiquity, 333
Moreska = folk dance, 188
music, 177
Muster = designs, 227

Nachbildungen = reproductions, right in these, 173
            right to these, 211
Nachspiel = epilogue of a play, 237
natural right, 81
Nuremberg reprinting ban, 343

Obligation resulting from infringement of author’s right, 306
Öffentlichkeit der Ausführung = publicity of a performance, 240
oratorio, 237
orchestrion = mechanical music instrument, 231
overture, 237

Palimpsest, deciphering of, 164
Panmelodismus [a musical/philosophical concept from Schopenhauer!], 223
parade, 241
patent description, 191
pantomime, 188
Pfandrecht = lien
philosophical problems, 198
photographer as assistant to the artist, 204
plagiarism, 328
plan of a work, 197
planetariums, 186
portrait, 202
postal rates book, 162, 180
Predigt = sermon, 196
price list, 163
press, in Rome, 322
privileges, 84
privilege theory, 63f.

Rechtsbewußtsein = sense of justice, 16


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK