
Privilege to Giovanni Giolito di Ferrari for publication of Paolo Comitolo's "Catena in Beatissimum Job," and revocation of Jean Stratius' privilege in the same work, Vatican (1587)

Source: Vatican Secret Archives Sec. Brev. Reg. 130 F. 70 (1587)

Privilege to Giovanni Giolito di Ferrari for publication of Paolo Comitolo's "Catena in Beatissimum Job," and revocation of Jean Stratius' privilege in the same work, Vatican (1587), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible


To our dear son Giovanni Giolito

de Ferrari

Pope Sixtus V

Dear son, greetings and Apostolic Blessing. Just as we have learned, you desire and intend to print and to set in type or to cause it to be printed and set {in type} and to publish for public use and instruction the work mentioned below, viz., a commentary on Blessed Job, translated from the Greek style into Latin by {our} dear son Paolo Comitoli, a priest of the Society of Jesus, with additions made through the said Paolo, and with explanations from various translated Greek texts and marginal notes of various selections and also with passages of Sacred Scripture quoted by different theologians and various selections of the sacred text and explanations of {those} various opinions, but you fear that afterward some other person will cause the said work to be printed in imitation of yours to your harm and prejudice.


Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible


Dilecto Filio Ioanni Iolito

De Ferrariis[1]

Sixtus Papa Quintus

  1. Dilecte fili saultem & Apostoli=
  2. cam Benedictionem[2]. Cum sicut ac=
  3. cepimus, tu ad publicam utilitatem
  4. & instructionem infrascriptum opus[3],
  5. videlicet Catenam[4] in Beatum Iob a
  6. dilecto filio Paulo Comitolo Presbytero Societatis
  7. Iesu ex Graeco idiomate in Latinum conversam,
  8. cum additionibus per dictum Paulum factis, &
  9. interpretationibus ex diversis textibus Graecis tra=
  10. ductis, & apostillis marginalibus variarum lectio=
  11. num, necnon locis Sacrae Scripturae per varios Do=
  12. ctores citatis, variisque lectionibus Sacri textus, &
  13. interpretationibus variarum sententiarum,[5] impri=
  14. mere, & typis[6] excudere, seu imprimi, & excudi fa-
  15. cere, ac in lucem edere cupias, & intendas; sed
  16. verearis ne postea aliquis alius ad imitationem tuam
  17. dictum opus[7] imprimi curet in grave tuum dam=
  18. num, & praeiudicium. Nos ideo indemnitati tue hac

[1] In handwritten privilege: Dilecto filio Joanni Giolito Ferrarientis Bibliopole seu Typographo Venetiarum.

[2] In handwritten privilege following salutem: etc.

[3] In handwritten privilege: infrascripta opera.

[4] In handwritten privilege: cathenam.

[5] In handwritten privilege following sententiarum: Necnon etiam consilia medicinalia Hieronimi Mercuriale duo volumina continentia.

[6] In handwritten privilege: tipis.

[7] In handwritten privilege: dicta opera.


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