
Printer Joachim Wielandt's Privilege for Popular Chapbooks, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1721)

Source: Danish National Archives, Københavns Universitet, Konsistorium: Kopibog (1538-1882) 1213-09: 1712 9 - 1727 9 mm.

Printer Joachim Wielandt's Privilege for Popular Chapbooks, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1721), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 15 total


15.  Pr. Trellund Desensio Sectionis II. Exenitationis Bibliæ de loco 2. Con. II, 19.

And as no small harm could be done to me by the reprinting of such writings, which have been published at my expense, it is requested in the deepest submissiveness that Your Royal Majesty, by His Royal Grace, will grant me and my heirs a sovereign privilege for a period of 30 years, so that no one other than me, my heirs, and whomsoever is commissioned by us, shall be permitted to print or deal in the same books or anything similar during the said period, under due penalty,

In the deepest submissiveness, would that your Royal Majesty would graciously grant me and my heirs the privilege, without reprinting, for the following 30 years from the time of the publication of the books, which may most humbly be recorded at the [Danish] Chancellery by the submission of the preparatory copies, or, during the two years from the date of the privilege, to have printed and negotiated, without the intervention of anyone, subsequent small books on which either we or the most sovereignly granted privileges have expired,




15. Pr. Trellund Desensio Sectionis II. Exenitationis Bibliæ de loco 2. Con. II, 19.

Og som ved slige Skrifters eftertryk, som paa min bekostning er eforlagde, mig ei liden skade kunde tilføris, saa ansøges i allerdybeste underdanighed, at Eders Kongl. Majestet af sin Kongl. naade vilde ved et allernaadigst privilegio mig og arvinger derfor udi 30 aars tid forsichre saa at ingen anden end jeg, mine arvinger og hvo dertil af os besickes, maatte tillades, samme bøger eller noget der af, i berørte tid at trycke eller forhandle under vedbørlig straff, udi lige allerdybeste underdanighed ansøges, at Eders Kongl. Majestet udi naade vilde forlenne mig og arvinger privilegium paa, uden eftertryck, udi efterfølgende 30 aar fra den tid bøgerne udkommer /: som allerunderdanigst i Cancellium kan antegnes ved de forfærdigende exemplariers indlevering /: eller og udi de begierte aar fra priviligu dato, at maae lade trycke og forhandle, uden derudi at skee indpas af nogen, efterfølgende smaa bøger, hvorpaa enten vi haver, eller de allernaadigste meddeelte priviligia ja ere exspierede,




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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK