It has come to our attention that booksellers in these realms (and even in our realm of Norway) are endeavouring to import Danish books translated from German or Latin into Danish and printed abroad, in spite of the warnings and prohibitions previously issued by our beloved father. This is done only because of the greed of the booksellers, for they are only concerned with their own profit, and do not care what falsehoods and delusions may be spread among the public who may come to read these books. Furthermore, we have discovered that these books are found in various places, translated incorrectly to such an extent that the Danish language is distorted to the point of being almost unintelligible. We therefore ask you to keep a record of how many of deal in these books in your town (in our market town of Copenhagen, and in your jurisdiction).
Wor gunst tilforn. Vider eftersom vi forfare, hvorledis bogførrere her udi riget (der udi vort rige Norge) understa dennom at indførre danske bøger, som erre udsat af tyske eller latinne paa danske och erre trøgt uden lands, emod hvis forordning och forbud, som udi vor kierre her faders tid derom er udganget, hvilket allenniste sker formiddelst bogførrernis gierighed skyld, at de dermed søge deris profit och fordel, och icke achtes, hvad villfarelse och irringe dermed kand indføris och udspredis eblandt almuen, som bøger kunde hende at lese, och der til med findis samme bøger paa adskillige steder vrangeligen at verre trøgt och dansken formørket, saa at den neppeligen kand forstais, da bede vi eder och ville, at i beskeder for eder, at bogfører saa mange, som handle med bøger (her udi vor kiøbsted Kiøbenhafn och eders jurisdiction erre undergifven) udi eders bye, och alfvorligen forholder dennom, at de vid