
First Inscriptions of Works at the Spanish Copyright Office, Madrid (1885)

Source: Registro Central de la Propiedad Intelectual

First Inscriptions of Works at the Spanish Copyright Office, Madrid (1885), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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8 translated pages

Chapter 1 Page 1





Chapter 1 Page 2





Begins ..6....May....1885
Ends ..11...November.. 1885

Chapter 1 Page 3

                        MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS
                        GENERAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE
                              INSCRIPTION NUMBER 1
In accordance with the Law of 10 January 1879, the work, the title of which
and further circumstances are described below, is registered herein with the number
1 at the GENERAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE as PROPERTY of Joaquín Badía y Andreu,
resident of the province ___________________; which was submitted for registration
at the provincial Registry office in Barcelona on January the fitteenth of 1879 at __ hours,
and provisionally registered there with
                                          NUMBER 1
                  TITLE De la casa y su legislacion       
                  CATEGORY Scientific and literary       

Author...Don Joaquín Badía y Andreu.....
Arrenger .............................
Publisher .................................

Place and year ...Barcelona 1879.
Establishment ...Impr. de José Miret......
Volumes and size ...One and 4...................
Pages or leaves ...211 pages.................
Publication date .......................
Edition and number of copies.............

                                                                                    Madrid 6 May 1885
                                                                        THE CIVIL SERVANT IN CHARGE
                                                                                    Baldomero Lopez Cañizares

Chapter 1 Page 4

                              MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS
                        GENERAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE
                              INSCRIPTION NUMBER 14
In accordance with the Law of 10 January 1879, the work, the title of which
and further circumstances are described below, is registered herein with the number
fourteen at the GENERAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE as PROPERTY of Miguel H. de Cámara,
resident in Madrid, province of id.; which was submitted for registration at the provincial
Registry office in Madrid on February the the tenth of 1879 at ________ hours, and
provisionally registered with the
                                          NUMBER 7
            TITLE Hojas de dibujos del Monitor de la Bordadora       
            CATEGORY artistic       

Arranger ............................
Publisher ...The owner...............

Place and year ...Madrid 1879..
Establishment ..Impr. y lit. de la Guirnalda..
Volumes and size ..10 leaves with drawings to embroider
Pages or leaves ..............................
Date of publication ...1879.................
Edition and number of copies ...............

            Notes: They are part of the ten leaves with drawings inside the Handbook of embroidery
                                                                                    Madrid 7 May 1885
                                                                        THE CIVIL SERVANT IN CHARGE
                                                                              Baldomero Lopez Cañizares

Chapter 1 Page 5

                        MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS
                  INSCRIPTION NUMBER 15
In accordance with the Law of 10 January 1879, the work, the title of which
and further circumstances are described below, is registered herein with the number
fiteen at the GENERAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE as PROPERTY of José del Perojo
resident in Madrid, province of id.; which was submitted for registration at the provincial
Registry office in Madrid on February the tenth of February 1879 at ________ hours, and
temporarily registered with the
                                          NUMBER 8
            TITLE Revista Contemporánea       
            CATEGORY Newspapers       

Publisher ...The Owner..........

Place and year...Madrid 1879
Establecimiento Tip. y Est. de Perojo....
Volumes and Size ...1- 8° ............
Pages or leaves ...256 pages...............
Date of Publication ...1879.............
Edition and number of copies first ed...

            Notes: Year IV-V- Volume XIX. Numbers 75 and 76......................
                                                                                    Madrid 7 May 1885
                                                                        THE CIVIL SERVANT IN CHARGE
                                                                                    Baldomero Lopez Cañizares

Chapter 1 Page 6

                                          MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS
                  INSCRIPTION NUMBER 110
In accordance with the Law of 10 January 1879 the work, the title of which
and further circumstances are described below, is registered herein with the number one
hundred and ten at the GENERAL COPYRIGHT OFFICE as PROPERTY of Enrique
Perez Escrich, resident of the province of Madrid; which was submitted for registration
at the provincial Registry office in Madrid on the eighteenth of March 1879 at ________ hours,
and provisionally registered with
                                          NUMBER 83
            TITLE ! Vivan las caenas ! Zarzuela satírica de costumbres políticas in three acts, divided
                        into eight cuadros. Music from José Rogel

            CATEGORY Dramatic and musical

Author...Enrique Perez Escrich.........

Place and Year ...Madrid 1879..
Establishment Imp. de José Rodríguez....
Volumes and size one in 8°..................
Páginas ú hojas 76 pages....................
Date of Publicationn...1879...............
Edition and number of copies first ed...

                                                                                    Madrid 12 May 1885
                                                                        THE CIVIL SERVANT IN CHARGE
                                                                                    Baldomero Lopez Cañizares
      Annotation = Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Arts = According to the record:
Whereas Luis Montilla submitted on 9 July 1885 a request to this Ministry for the ownership
of the fourth part of the oeuvre written by his grandfather, Enrique, to be allocated to himself
and to his brother, Adolfo, absent, and in order to do so he presented a valid notarial power.
Whereas María de los Desamparados and María Carmen Perez-Escrich, sisters of the above
mentioned, submitted subsequently on 17 October 1885 a petition [...]

Chapter 1 Page 7

This first volume of the general Copyright Office,consists of
five hundred leaves, all in certified sheets of paper,
covering from the first inscription to the fifth hundred
Madrid, 23 February 1886
With the Approval

      General Director
      Saturnino Calleja

                                          Civil Servant in Charge
                                                      Baldomero Lopez Cañizares

Chapter 1 Page 8





Translation by: José Bellido


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK