# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid , Madrid (1763)

Source: Archivo General de Simancas, GYJ-979

Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid , Madrid (1763), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 4 of 9 total

      who must leave at least a quarter of
      the amount for the discount of the
      shares in which they are interested.
      The rest will be paid internally by the
      bookkeeper for payment to the
      treasurer, and on completing the work,
      the directors shall dispatch one from
      the total, gathering precedents, for good
      account and reasons. In addition,
      printers from other cities of the kingdom,
      to whom a work has also been entrusted
      in order to satisfy the shares they are
      interested in, they should send samples
      of the letters and paper upon which
      they want their printing. They must pay
      for this in full and they cannot have it
      without an order from the Directors,
      who reside in this court.
      That on completion of the printing of
      any book, the directors must accept it
      before releasing it from the press; and
      having done this and finding it to be
      acceptable, the shareholders shall be
      notified so that each one can take out
      what they need, paying the amount to

      the treasurer, who shall issue a receipt
      (harebuenos) for the amount
      to the printer. He shall hand it to the
      bookkeeper. These shall constitute the
      treasurer's charge and the printer may use
      them as data.
      That book merchants, who are suddenly
      not interested in paying with money, may
      equally pay eight shares, which they give
      to the printers by the way of the books they
      have printed, and which can be dispatched
      if they are to the Directors' satis-
      That the books this guild prints must be
      on fine paper, capelladas or similar paper,
      (following your worship's order) and
      the best (quality of) printing, which shall
      be distributed among the shareholders,
      according to what each one customarily


      quienes deberàn dexar la quarta parte de
      su importe, à lo menos, para descuen-
      to de las Acciones en que se hayan in-
      teresado, y el resto se le darà libranza
      interina por el Contador para que le pa-
      gue el Thesorero; y concluìda la Obra,
      le despacharàn los Directores una del to-
      tàl, recogiendo los antecedentes, para
      buena cuenta, y razon. Y que à los Im-
      presores de las demàs Ciudades del Rei-
      no, à quien también se les encargue Obra
      para satisfacer las Acciones en que se ha-
      yan interesado, deberàn embiar muestras
      de las Letras, y Papel en que han de ha-
      cer su Impresión, la que havràn de cos-
      tear íntegramente, y no podràn disponer
      de ella fin orden de la Direccion, que reside
      en esta Corte.
      Que concluìda la Impresión de qua-
      lquier Libro, se haya de reconocer por
      los Directores antes de sacarle de la Im-
      prenta; y hecha esta diligencia, y hallán-
      dola de recibo, se darà parte a los Ac-
      cionistas, para que cada uno acuda à sa-
      car los que necesite, entregando su im-

      porte al Thesorero, quien darà un Harè-
      buenos de la cantidad que sea, para el
      Impresor, en cuya virtud se los entrega-
      rà este, los que passarà à el Contador,
      para que por ellos forme el Cargo de The-
      sorero, y al Impresor le sirvan de Data
      para el suyo.
      Que à los Mercadores de Libros, que
      de pronto no puedan interesarse en espe-
      cie de dinero, se les admitirà igualmen-
      te las ocho Acciones, que se les con-
      cede à los Impresores, en los Libros que
      tengan impresos, siendo de despacho cor-
      riente à satisfacción de los Directores.
      Que los Libros que se impriman por
      esta Companìa, han de ser en Papel de
      Capelladas, ò su semejante, (según la Or-
      den de S.M.) y de la mejor Impresión,
      los que se repartiràn entre los Accionis
      tas, según cada uno pida, arreglandose
      à la practica, que ha tenido la Compa-
                              A4                              nìa


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK