Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines
[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin
{ } = supplied by transcribers
Bold script [or] Bold Script or scribble or Bold Script = written in a different hand(s)
Strike through = crossed out, but legible
[XXX] = illegible
Translation of Petition
Blessed Father
The most humble petitioner of Your Blessedness[,] Giulio Burchioni bookseller in Rome[,] wishing to have printed the Trinciante (the Carver) by Vincenzo Cervio, and of Cavalier Reale Fusoritto carver of the Most Illustrious Lord Cardinal Montalto, with many additions, and with a Dialogue of the same Reale titled the Master of the House, reviewed, signaled, and underwritten by the Father Master of the Sacred Palace ^and by Monsignor vice manager,/ in which work the said petitioner, over and above his efforts and labors, will have to incur many expenses, and so that he may recover those expenses, and in order to give encouragement to others, who willingly must wear themselves out in similar, and other useful works[,] most humbly begs Your Holiness that, through his usual kindness, he deign to extend him the grace of granting him a Privilege for ten years, so that no one else may during that time print, nor have printed, nor sell nor have sold the said book without the permission of the petitioner or from those having rights from him. For which grace the petitioner will with all the more obligation pray to Lord God for the long life and happy state of Your Blessedness.
Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines
[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin
{ } = supplied by transcribers
Bold script [or] Bold Script or scribble or Bold Script = written in a different hand(s)
Strike through = crossed out, but legible
[XXX] = illegible
Sec Brev 208 F 12 (supp 13) 6 Oct 1593 Giulio Burchioni Libraro a Roma
Beatissimo Padre
L’humiliss(im)o or(ator)e di VB/ne Giulio Burchioni libraro a Roma volendo fare
stampare il Trinciante di Vincenzo Cervio, et del Cavalier Reale Fusoritto
Trinciante del Ill(ustrissi)mo S(igno)r Cardinal Montalto, con molte aggiunte, et con un
Dialogo del mede(si)mo Reale detto il Mastro di Casa, revisto, segnato, et sottoscritto
dal Padre Maestro del Sacro Palazzo ^et da Mons’ vicegerente,^ nella quale opera al detto or(ator)e, oltre le
sue fatiche, e travagli, converrà fare di molte spese: et acciò possi refrancar-
si di dette spese, et per dar animo ancora alli altri, che volentieri debbano fa-
ticarsi in simili, et altri utili opere Supplica humiilissim(amen)te la S/tà V che
per solita benignità sua, si degni farli gratia di concederli Privilegio
per dieci anni, che nessun altro, possi in detto tempo stampare, ne far stam-
pare, ne vendere o far vendere detto libro senza licenza dell’or(ator)e, o che habbi
causa da lui. Per la qual gratia tanto più obligato l’or(ator)e pregarà il Sig/re Dio
per la lunga vita, et felice stato di VB/ne