
Pope v Curl: Entry from the Court's Book of Orders, London (1741)

Source: The National Archives: c.33 376/350

Pope v Curl: Entry from the Court's Book of Orders, London (1741), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Chapter 1 Page 1

                                                                                                                              Friday 5 June
Alexander Pope Esquire Plaintiff}       Forasmuch as this Court was this present day Informed by Mr Murray of Councell with
Edmund Curll Defendant}                  the plaintiff ^that the plaintiff^ hath at different times between the Year 1714 & the Year 1738 wrote several Lettres
upon various Subjects addressed to the Reverend Dr. Swift Dean of St Patricks in the Kingdom of Ireland bearing Date respectively on or
about the 18th of June 1714. 20th of June 1716. 12th of January 1723. 14th of September 1725. 15th of October 1725. 10th of December
1725. 22nd of August 1726. 3rd of September 1726. 16th of November 1726. 8th of March 1726/7. 2nd of October 1727. 23rd March
1727/8. 28th of June 1728. 12th of November 1728. 9th of October 1729. 28th of November 1729. 14th of April 1730. 5th of December
1732. 16th of February 1732/3. 2nd of April 1733. 28th of May 1733. 1st of September 1733. 6th of January 1734. 15th of September 1734
19th of December 1734. 25th of March 1736. 17th of August 1736. 30th of December 1736 & the 23rd of March 1736/7 of all which Letters
the plaintiff is the Author & and never sold or disposed of the Copy-right of the said Lettres or any of them to any person or persons
whatsoever And that the Defendant hath lately printed the letters wrote by the Plaintiff beforemencioned under the following Title that is to
say Dean Swifts Litterary Correspondence for 24 Years from 1714 to 1738 consisting of Original Lettres to & from Mr Pope Dr
Swift Mr Gay Lord Bolingbrooke Dr Arbuthnot Dr Watton Bishop Atterbury D[uke] and D[uche]ss of Queensbury
London Printed ^for E: Curll
at Popeshead^ in Rose Street Covent Garden MDCCXLI price 4s[hillings] Sewed 5s[hillings] bound & that the Plaintiff never Consented or
gave any Lycence to the Defendant to Print or Publish any of the said Lettres so wrote by him to the said Dr Swift as aforesaid And that the
Plaintiff having perused the bookes under the Title above mencioned the writings therein contained purporting to be Letters from that
Plaintaiff to the said Dr Swift & to bear date respectively as aforesaid are the Lettres beforemencioned to have been wrote by the Plaintiff as
by the Affidavit of the Plaintiff & the Affidavit of Thomas Prichard now read appears And such of the said Defendents Printing &
publishing the aforesaid Lettres being contrary to the Act of Parliament in that Case made & Provided The Plaintiff hath exhibited his Bill in
this Court as by the Six Clerks Certificate appears It is thereupon Ordered that an Injuncion be Awarded to restrain the Defendant his
Servants Workmen & agents from printing Publishing & Vending that aforesaid Lettres or any of them untill the said Defendant shall fully
Answer the Plaintiffs Bill and this Court take Order to that Contrary.

Transcription by: Neil Younger


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