
Privilege of Printing Pontoppidan's Catechism Granted to the Royal Orphanage, Copenhagen (1737)

Source: Kongelige Rescripter, Resolutioner og Collegialbreve for Danmark og Norge. 4:1 : 1730-1739, Gyldendal 1788. The National Library of Norway.

Privilege of Printing Pontoppidan's Catechism Granted to the Royal Orphanage, Copenhagen (1737), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Vajsenhus or for some other divine purpose, and have their copies confiscated. The Vajsenhus, however, undertakes to always have sufficient copies in its possession so that those who wish to do so may reasonably avail themselves of a copy at the price of 10 shillings. Furthermore, the Vajsenhus shall annually, and without charge, and provided no other catechism has been instituted, give 1500 copies to the poor, and to such persons as the King shall approve, to be delivered only by the Vajsenhus, of which the Court Preacher shall be entitled to receive 100-200 copies if he so desires. (At the request of the College, the public authority in both kingdoms, which proposed that a considerable number of the above-mentioned catechisms should be included in the education of the young and should always be available).


Vaisenhuus, eller anden gudelig Brug, samt alle eftertrykte Exemplariers Confiscation; hvorimod Vaisenhuset skal være pligtig, ikke alene alle Tider at have saa mange Exemplarier i forraad, at Alle, som det forlange, dermed kan vorde forsynede paa den taalelligste Maade, nemlig a Stykket 10 Skl. d., men endogsaa, saa længe dette Privilegium varer, og ingen anden Catechismus indføres, aarligen, uden Betaling, at levere 1500 Exemplarier, som til fattige kunne uddeles, og til den Ende af Vaisenhuset udleveres, til hvem Kongen maatte godtfinde, og af hvilke fornævnte Hofprædikant aarligen skal nyde 100 a 200 Exemplarier, om han dem begjerer (y). (Paa Begjering fra Collegium, som forestillede, at der af bemeldte Catechismi Forklaring, som Auctoritate publica i begge Kongeriger til Ungdommens Underviisning skal introduceres (z), et anseeligt Qvantum idelig maa være i Forraad.)


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