the following punishment: / that the ever
mighty and feared great King of the
Selenites* will without fail send / all the
malicious and loathsome monstrosities
born across all his dominions - / whom
we generally call changelings or tadpoles - /
to haunt and persecute all those criminals
who violate these privileges, / just as
Jupiter sent his harpies to punish wrong-
doers. / All this is a verbatim transcript
of an original document to which
the afore- and oft-mentioned great
King has put his own hand and seal: /
done at Invisibilis, the capital of
Selene and the seat of the great King's
court, on the 33rd day of the month
Inauditus, in the year 00000
after the year zero.
Nullander** King of the Moon
(Royal seal)
Nemonius*** Secretary.
* Moon-dwellers!
** lit. Null-man!
*** lit. Nobody