Tablatures of Several
canticles and Songs for the Organ and
Lute /, some of which have two parts to be plucked on the lute
and one singing part; / others with three
instrumental parts; / tabulated by Arnolt Schlick,
Organist to the Count Palatine/
and arranged to be printed in the
town of Mainz, the birth-place of the art of printing,
[under the conditions] laid out as follows:
Tabulaturen Etlicher lob
gesang und lidlein uff die orgeln un[d] lau=
ten / ein theil mit zweien stimen zu zwicken
un[d] die drit darzu singe / etlich on gesangk
mit dreien / vo[n] Arnolt Schlicken Pfaltz
grauischem Churfürstlichem Organiste[n]
Tabulirt / un[d] in den truck in [der] urspru[n]gk
lichen stat der truckerei zu Meintz wie hie
nach volgt verordent.