# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Privilege granted to Francisco Soto to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian, Rome (1603)

Source: Vatican Secret Archives, Sec. Brev. Reg. 336 F. 250

Privilege granted to Francisco Soto to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian, Rome (1603), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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8 translated pages

Chapter 1 Page 1

Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold script = written in a different hand

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible


Pope Clement VIII
[1-11] For the future memory of the matter: since we have learned that our dear son Francisco Soto, a friar priest of the Congregation of the Oratory of Rome, intends to set into type a certain [XXX] [XXX] book titled, The Way of Perfection which Mother Theresa, the founder of the brothers and the monasteries of the Discalced Carmelites, wrote for her nuns for their prayers, and another [book titled] Interior Castle, translated from the Spanish tongue into Italian by the same Francisco, but he hesitates lest after he has published it, others seeking profit from another's labor will have the same books set to type, which would work to the harm of the same Francisco.

[12-17] Lest the said Francisco, having been indemnified, should suffer undue expense from this printing, we, inclined by his supplications in this matter humbly brought in our name, wish to bestow upon him special favors, and to present him with graces, and decree with whatever excommunications etc; we grant and indulge by the apostolic authority with the force of these presents:

Chapter 1 Page 2


[1-12] that for the next decade, for the period counting from the first printing of the said books (provided that they have been pre-approved by the Master of the Sacred Palace), no one, whether in Rome or directly or indirectly subject to our Ecclesiastical State, may, without the special license of the said Francisco or his heirs and successors or those having rights from them, print, or if printed by another or others, sell, or hold or offer for sale the aforementioned books, as well as any translations by another or others into the Italian language.

[13-18] We prohibit therefore one and all of the Christian faith, of either sex, especially the printers of books and booksellers, under [penalty] of five hundred ducats of gold (the type which is used by the Apostolic treasury), and the loss of all the books and the presses, one part for our apostolic treasury, and another to the same Francisco, or his heirs and successors, or those

Chapter 1 Page 3


[1-12] holding rights from him or them; and for the rest, the remaining third part to the accuser and the executing judge applied unremittingly; and with the said penalty to be incurred by each [violation] without a separate declaration; so that while the said decade endures, no one as in Rome, so in the rest of the ecclesiastic state, should dare or presume to print in any way the said work without license of this sort from the aforementioned, or whatever part of it, either in large or small folio, even under pretext of subtraction, or addition, , or to sell it once printed by others, or hold it for sale, or advertise it.

[12-17] We order our dear sons, the legates of the Lateran apostolic seat, and their vice-legates, and the presidents, governors, praetors, and other ministers of justice of the provinces, states, lands and places of our ecclesiastic state; to the extent needed by the same Francisco, or his heirs and successors, or those having cause

Chapter 1 Page 4


[1-10] from him or from them, to assist with an effective legal defense, whenever there might be a need by either the same Francisco or the aforementioned others, and to unwaveringly carry out the aforementioned penalties against whosoever disobeys. Notwithstanding constitutions, apostolic ordinances, and whatever statutes or customs—strengthened by oath, apostolic confirmation, or other reinforcement—or privileges and indulgences and apostolic letters contrary to the aforementioned, however conceded, confirmed, and approved, or anything else to the contrary whatsoever.

[11-18] Moreover, we wish that the same credit that would attach to these presents—if they were exhibited or displayed—should be fully applied to copies of these presents, even printed in the aforementioned books, with the signed hand of some notary public, and protected by the seal of a person situated in ecclesiastical dignity. Given in Rome at Saint Mark’s on the 28th day of August 1603, in the 12th year of our pontificate. 
If it pleases his holiness, it may be expedited. P. Cardinal Aldobrandini.
M. Vestrio Barbiani.

Chapter 1 Page 5


For Father Soto
So that he may print the book of the Blessed Teresa translated into the [Italian] vernacular
On the 21st Day of August 1603

His Holiness was contented

Chapter 1 Page 6


Book titled the Way of Perfection, which Mother Teresa, founder of the Discalced Carmelite nuns wrote for her nuns at their prayers translated from the Spanish language into Italian by Father Francisco Soto of the Congregation of the Oratory of Rome.

Chapter 1 Page 7


For Francisco Soto, a brother of the
Congregation of the Oratory of Rome,
A Privilege against printing,
for ten years, the book of Teresa, founder
of the Monastery of the Discalced Carmelites.

His Holiness was content

Chapter 1 Page 8


In the ecclesiastic
In the usual form

Translation by:


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK