# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Petition from and Privilege granted to Marcantonio Rossi for publishing choral work by the late Giovanni Guidetti of Bologna, Rome (1602)

Source: Vatican Secret Archives, Sec. Brev. Reg. 324 F. 253

Petition from and Privilege granted to Marcantonio Rossi for publishing choral work by the late Giovanni Guidetti of Bologna, Rome (1602), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold script or Bold Script = written in a different hand(s)

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible



Sec. Brev. Reg. 324 F 253




Marc’Antonio Rossi of Rome, the most devoted petitioner of Your Holiness, having with his greatest effort and diligence revised and corrected the Directions for Choirs previously made by the late Giovanni Guidetti of Bologna, [who was] a cleric beneficiary of San Pietro, and having reduced it entirely in conformity with the new Roman Breviary of Your Holiness and in addition having added to it many necessary things that were missing in the prior version.  Now wishing to print it in proper form for the benefit of the public, and having incurred much expense, having to that purpose had all the notes newly engraved, he fears that it will be reprinted by others which would be to his great harm.  He therefore begs most humbly that Your Holiness deign to extend to him the grace, to provide for this, of granting the Privilege so that for the next ten years no one may reprint it in whatever form or size, which [privilege] he [Marc’Antonio] will receive through the most signal grace of Your Holiness




Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold script or Bold Script = written in a different hand(s)

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible


Sec. Brev. Reg. 324 F 253






Marc’ Antonio Rossi romano devotiss/o or/e della S/ta V havendo con la sua grandissima fatica, et diligenza accommodato et corretto il Directorium Chori fatto già del q. Giovanni Guidetti Bolognese Chierico Benefitiato di S. Pietro, et riduttolo tutto conforme al nuovo Brevario Romano della S/ta V et anco aggiuntolo di molte cose necessarie che in quello mancavano.  Hora per benefitio publico volendolo far stampare in buona forma, et andandoci molta spesa, havendo a quest’effetto fatto intagliare tutte le note di nuovo; dubita, che poi da altri non gli sia ristampato il che sli saria di grandissimo danno; perciò supplica humilissimamente la S/ta V si degni fargli gra’, per proveder a questo, di concedergli Privilegio, che per dieci anni prossimi non possa esser ristampato da nessuno in qualsivoglia forma, o’ grandezza che lo riceverà per gra’ segnalatiss/a della S V/ra





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