Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines
[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin
{ } = supplied by transcribers
Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)
Strike through = crossed out, but legible
[XXX] = illegible
Jean Stratius’ 1586 edition of Comitolo’s Catena in Beatissimum Job (privileged revoked by Sec. Brev. Reg. 130 F. 70), admonitio (“warning”) to the readers:
From the margins of this our Catena, in which the name of the Author of the Catena is written on several of the first pages, we have decided that each [instance] should be removed. First, because the name of each Greek Catena is absent. Second, because nowhere has [an addition] been written by us in our Latin. Finally, because [the work] mixes up and confuses the explanations of the Learned [Authors].