
Privilege to Giovanni Giolito di Ferrari for publication of Paolo Comitolo's "Catena in Beatissimum Job," and revocation of Jean Stratius' privilege in the same work, Vatican (1587)

Source: Vatican Secret Archives Sec. Brev. Reg. 130 F. 70 (1587)

Privilege to Giovanni Giolito di Ferrari for publication of Paolo Comitolo's "Catena in Beatissimum Job," and revocation of Jean Stratius' privilege in the same work, Vatican (1587), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible

circumstances, and an another {portion} to the accuser, {and} the remaining {portion} indeed to the executing Judge, and also [the punishment] for the loss of the type and books to you and your aforementioned heirs and successors, punishments to be affixed in an unpardonable manner, to be incurred as many times as a violation will have occurred, by apostolic authority by the tenor of the present {decrees}, we quite strictly restrain and forbid that, in the immediately follow ten years, this aforementioned work in whole or in part in any form or change or transposition or even any other additions, scholia, glosses, and explanations for the purpose of reproducing those materials or referencing those {materials} or {things} similar to those {things}, as in Italian, so in Latin or any other language and at the urging of anyone because of any assumed pretext or clever thought in any place without your express permission and assent or [those] of your aforementioned {heirs and successors}, {they} dare or undertake to print or to cause to be printed or, except from permission and assent of this type, to sell {those works} having been printed or to put them {forth} for sale or to have or hold them in another manner unless you or your aforementioned {heirs and successors} shall have agreed to this, concerning which, {the assent} ought to be manifest through a leaf of paper written or signed in your own hand.  


Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible

  1. alia accusatori, pro reliqua vero partibus Iudici exe=
  2. quenti, nec non[1] amissionibus[2] typorum, & librorum
  3. tibi, tuisque pr{a}edictis irremissibiliter applicandis poe=
  4. nis, toties incurrendis, quoties contraventum fuerit,
  5. Apostolica auctoritate tenore praesentium distri=
  6. ctius inhibemus, & interdicimus, ne per De=
  7. cem annos proxime subsequentes opus ipsum[3],
  8. praedictum[4] in toto, vel parte sub quacunque for=
  9. ma, vel mutatione, aut inversione, vel etiam
  10. cum quibusvis aliis additionibus, scholiis, sum=
  11. mariis, glossis, & interpretationibus ad mate=
  12. rias ipsas[5] accedendas, vel illas referrendas, aut illis
  13. similibus, tam Latino quam Italico, vel quocunque
  14. alio idiomate, etiam[6] ad cuiusvis instantiam, quovis
  15. quaesito colore, vel ingenio alicubi absque tui, vel
  16. tuorum praedictorum expressa licentia, & assensu
  17. imprimere, seu imprimi facere, aut praeterquam
  18. de licentia, & assensu huiusmodi impressa vende=
  19. re, seu venalia proponere, aliasve tenere, aut ha=
  20. bere audeant, seu praesumant; nisi ad hoc tuus, aut
  21. tuorum praedictorum accesserit assensus, de quo
  22. per cedulam manu vestra propria, scriptam, vel
  23. subscriptam constare debeat. Mandantes univer=
  24. sis, & singulis Venerabilibus fratribus Patriarchis,
  25. Archiepiscopis, & Episcopis, ac dilectis filiis eo=
  26. rum in spiritualibus, Vicariis Generalibus, & reli=
  27. quis in dignitate Ecclesiastica constitutis, quavis au=
  28. thoritate[7] fungentibus, & functuris, ut quoties pro=

[1] In handwritten privilege: necnon.

[2] In handwritten privilege: ammissionis.

[3] In handwritten privilege: opera ipsa.

[4] In handwritten privilege: aut eorum alterum vel aliquod.

[5] In handwritten privilege: istas.

[6] In handwritten privilege: et.

[7] In handwritten privilege: auctoritate.


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK