Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines
[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin
{ } = supplied by transcribers
Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)
Strike through = crossed out, but legible
[XXX] = illegible
We, therefore, wanting to take thought for your indemnity in this respect and wishing to bestow special favors upon you and marks of favor, and judging {you absolved} from any excommunication, suspension, and prohibition, and other eccliastical judgements, censures, and penalties brought by the law, or by men on whatever occasion, or by whatever cause, if anyone is implicated for any reason, we give effect to the present decrees to this extent, [either] absolving him of these things in turn, [or] judging that he will be absolved. By motu proprio, not due to your insistence of the petition offered to us in this matter, nor due to that of another on your behalf, but from our unadulterated generosity and certain knowledge, and from the plenitude of apostolic power, after the said work will have been printed by you and examined and approved by the Reverend Brother, the Patriarch of Venice, every and each faithful Christian of both sexes, especially booksellers and printers of books or typesetters called by whatever name, so in the beloved City {of Rome} and her district as in the entire Papal state {both} directly and indirectly subject {to Papal authority} and all Italy, under {punishment} of a sentence of major excommunication lata sententia, from which no one would be able to be absolved besides by us and {whoever may be} the Roman Pontiff at the time, and for as long as {the relevant people are} directly or indirectly subject to our temporal dominion or that of the Holy Roman Church, and also [the punishment] of three hundred ducats of gold from {their} treasury, to wit: the first portion to the Papal Treasury and another to you and your heirs and successors or to those having either a right {to money} from you or from those{, i.e., your heirs,} according to the
Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines
[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin
{ } = supplied by transcribers
Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)
Strike through = crossed out, but legible
[XXX] = illegible
[1] The handwritten privilege does not contain lines 20-25.
[2] In handwritten privilege: dicta opera.
[3] In handwritten privilege: impressa.
[4] In handwritten privilege: et a venerali fratre Patriarcha.
[5] In handwritten privilege: examinata et approbata fuerint.
[6] In handwritten privilege: subiecto.
[7] In handwritten privilege: pro.
[8] In handwritten privilege: apostolicae.
[9] In handwritten privilege: heredibus.
[10] In handwritten privilege: vel.