1 transcripted page
Chapter 1 Page 1A lycence graunted to Iohn Day to prynte all the Cosmograficall glasse compyled by Wylliam Coningham amongest other thinges./
Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englond Fraunce and Ireland defendor of the faithe &c To
all maner of Printers Bookesellers and other our officers ministers and subiectes greatinge We do you
vnderstande that of our grace especiall we haue graunted and geuen Priuiledge and lycence and by
theis presentes for vs our heires and successors do graunte and geve pryveledge and lycence vnto
our welbeloued subiect Iohn Daye of the Citie of London Printer and Stacyoner and to his assignes
for the terme of his lyfe to imprint or cause to be imprinted aswell the Cosmographicall glasse
compiled by William Cuningham doctor in Phisicke as also duringe the tyme of seven yeares
all suche bookes and workes as he hath Imprinted or hereafter shall imprinte beinge deuysed
compiled or set oute by any learned men at tho procuremente costes and charges onely of the saide
Iohn Daye So that no suche booke or bookes be repugnaunt to the holye scripture or to the lawes
and orders of our Realme Provyded alway that none of the sayd bookes be any of oure Copie or
Copies perteyninge by office frome tyme to tyme vnto our Printer or Prynters nor yet that thei be derogatory
to anye suche as have alredie at their costes and chardges ymprynted anye booke or bookes vpon especiall
licence graunted by vs ^or^ our late dere father Brother or Syster. Also that everie booke and worke whiche
he shall imprynt and sell or cause to be ymprynted and sold by vertue of this our Priviledge be perused and
allowed before it be put to prynte in suche maner and forme as by our late Iniunccions is prouided and
ordeyned or otherwyse to be forfayted and this licence to cesse and be vtterly voyde Straitely forbidding
and comaundinge by theis presentes all and Singuler our subiectes aswell Printers and bookesellers as all
other persons wythin our Realmes and domynions whatsoeuer they be in any maner of wyse to imprinte or
cause to be imprinted any of the aforesaide bookes that the sayd Iohn Daye shall by aucthoritie of this
our licence ymprinte or cause to be imprynted or anye partes of theym but onely the sayde Iohn Daye and
his assignes vpon payne of our highe indignacion and that euery offendor therin shall forfaicte to oure vse
fortie shillinges of laufull money of Englond for euery suche booke or bookes at any tyme so printed
contrarye to the true meaninge of this our present licence and Priuiledge ouer and besydes all suche booke
or bookes so Prynted to be forfaited to whomsoeuer shall susteigne the chardges and seu the sayde
forfaiture in our behalfe willinge therefore and comaundinge all our officers and mynisters as they
tender our favour and will avoide oure displeasure and indignacion for the contrarye that they and
euery of theym yf nede shall require to aide and assyste the sayd Iohn Daye and his assignes in
due exercisinge and execucion of this oure present licence and Priuiledge wyth effect accordinge to the
true meaninge of the same. That expresse mencion &c In wytnes whereof &c Witnes the quene
at Westm the xj day of November per bre de priuat Sigill
Transcription by: Neil Younger