Phillippus and Marye &c To all Printers of bookes within this our realme. And to all other
our officers ministers and subiectes theis our lettres patentes hering or seing greting. We let youe
witt that we of our grace especiall haue graunted and geven and by these our lettres patentes
do graunte and gyve licence and priuiledg vnto our welbeloved Subiect Robert Calye of London
Printer only to prynt by hym selfe or his assignes a booke entituled Holsome and catholick
Doctrine concerning the seven sacramentes of Christes Churche expedient to be knowen of all
men sett fourthe in manner of shorte sermons to be made to the people by the right Reuerend
Father in god Thomas Busshop of Lincoln. Wherefore we will and straitly chardge and
commaunde that no manner of person or persons shall printe or cause to imprinted the saide
booke or any parte therof within the time of seaven yeares next after the imprinting or
reprinting of the saide booke upon payne of confiscacion of all and euery suche booke and
bookes as imprinted contrary to the tenor of this our present licence and priuiledg. In witnes &c
witnes our self at Westm the xxx day of Aprill per bre de priuato sigilli &c