11 transcripted pages
Chapter 1 Page 1[This is the last entry on the page]
Rychard Tottle Rycharde Tottle broughte in a patente for
pryntinge of bokes of Lawe to be confyrmed
and allowed by this howse and the sayd
patente ys for vii [7] yeres dated anno ii et iii philippi
et marie
Chapter 1 Page 2Rychard Lante was sente to warde for the
pryntynge of an Epithaphi of queen Mary
with out lycense
John harryson for pryntynge of a ballet
with out lycense beholde the glasse of younge
servynge men was fyned 4d
owyn Rogers for pryntinge the Epistelles
and gospilles without lycense and for kepynge
of a forren[er] with out lycense ys fyned 3s 4d
Owen Rogers for pryntinge of halfe a
Reame of ballettes of a nother mans
Copye by waye of Desceate ys fyned at 20d
John Daye for pryntinge of a boke without
lycense Called an Excelent treates made
by Nosterdamus ys fyned at 5s
William Copland for pryntinge of a prognostication
of Nosterdamus without lycense and for mysbehavynge
hym selfe before the master and Wardyns was fyned at 3s 4d
Rychard Adams for pryntinge the Regester of
all them that were burned without lycense
was fyned at 5s
owyn Rogers for pryntinge withoute lycense
The Regester of all them that were burned was fyned at 20d
henry Sutton for pryntinge the Examination
of John Philpott with out lycense and his fyned
at 5s
owyn Rogers ys fyned for that he prynted
a ballet of the Lorde Wenfurthe [Wentworth] with out
lycense 2s
John Audeley for pryntinge of ii[2] ballettes with out
lycense was fyned at 2s
Chapter 1 Page 3[This starts with the second last entry on this page]
Recevyd of John daye for his lycense for
pryntinge of of a boke called Cosmographi
the vi [6] of novembre 20d
Recevyd of John Sampson for his
lycense for pryntinge these ii [2] ballettes
the one Called sende me your sonne go
your waye and the other Wemen best
whan they be at Rest iiii [4] of decembre 8d
Chapter 1 Page 4Ffor Takynge of Fynes
for copyes as foloweth
Recevyd of master Serys for his lycense for
pryntinge of a boke intituled Onosandro
Platonico of the generall Captayne and of 4d
his office translated oute of greke into the
Italion by Fabio Cotta and so into englesshe
by Peter Whytehorne
Recevyd of William greffeth for his lycense
for pryntinge of a ballet intituled the
shewyng what misfortune happened by the 4d
desposicion of the planettes namely in saynt
martens parryshe nere charynge Crosse
Recevyd of Heugh Flemynge for his lycense
for pryntinge of a preservityue for the plage 6d
with also a medycene for the same allowed by
the Counsell
Recevyd of John Kyngeston for his lysence
for pryntinge of a boke intituled a shorte 4d
Dyaloge agaynste the plage made by master
Recevyd of Rowland for his lysence for
pryntinge of a spretuall preserviture for 4d
the plage and also for the sowle made by master
Doctour Rychardson
Recevyd of John cherlewood for his lysence
for pryntinge of a ballet intituled ye vanite 4d
of this worlde and the felycite of the worlde
to come
Recevyd of John cherlewood for his
lysence for pryntinge of a ballet 4d
intituled Wysdome Wolde I wyshe to
Chapter 1 Page 5[This is the last entry on the page]
Takynge of Fynes for
Copyes as ffoloweth
Receavd of Thomas marshe for his
lycense for pryntinge of Dygges prognostication 12d
and his tectonicon which he boughte of lucas
Chapter 1 Page 6[This is the last entry on this page]
Receaved of Henry Rocheforthe for his
lycense for pryntinge an allmanacke and
a prognostication of his owne makynge for the 8d
yere of our lorde god 1565 auctorysshed by my
lorde of London &c
Chapter 1 Page 7[This is the fourth entry on this page]
Recevyd of Henry Sanderson for his
lycense for pryntinge of a compendious
forme of prayers for the hole estate of Christes
Churche auctorysshed by my lorde of London 4d
Chapter 1 Page 8[These are the first two entries on this page]
Receved of Rycharde Scerle for his lycense
for pryntinge of the Cathechesme in Laten
of master Calvyn 4d
ultimo marcii 1573
chaunged with H Byneman
for Terence / per licem
magistri et guardianorum
Receved of Thomas marshe for his
lycense for pryntinge of a breaffe cronenacle
made by John Stowe auctorysshed by my lorde
of Canterbury 6d
Chapter 1 Page 9 The Enterynge of Coopyes
Recevyd of Rychard Jonnes for his lycense
for prynting of a ballett intituled un happye 4d
happe Dothe fall &c
Recevyd of Rychard Jonnes for his lycense
for pryntinge of a ballett intituled ye 4d
lovynge Wormes comme learne of me
Recevyd of Wylliam gryffeth for his
lycense for pryntinge of a ballett intituled 4d
a notable instruction for all men to be wayre
the abuses of Dyce Wyne and Women
Recevyd of Wylliam greffeth for his lycense
for pryntinge of a ballet intituled a seconde 4d
Dystruction agaynste Malborne hylles sett fourth
by vs Wyves consente of our Wylles
Recevyd of Rychard hudson for his lycense
for pryntinge of a ballet intituled the 4d
Crueltye of fortayne / I weepe for Woo and
I Dye for payne
Recevyd of Wylliam Pekerynge for his
lycense for pryntinge of a boke intituled 4d
The lamentation for ye Towne of Chensford
Wrekell Spryngfylde / Ip[s]wich and Waltham
Recevyd of Wylliam Pekerynge for his
lycense for pryntinge of a ballett intituled 4d
the Lamentation of Chensford Wrekell
Ip[s]wich Spryngfylde and Waltham
Recevyd of John Alde for his lycense for prynting
of a ballett intituled a Warnynge to all maydes 4d
that Brewes thayre owne bane & c
Chapter 1 Page 10[This is the fourth entry on this page]
Recevyd of John Kyngeston for his lycense for
pryntinge of Calvyns Cathechesme which
he boughte of Wylliam Coplande for the some of [5s]6d
Chapter 1 Page 11[This is the seventh entry on this page]
Maylarde gave it Recevyd of leonerde maylarde for his lycense for
to Austin Lawghton & pryntinge of a boke intituled the style
Lawghton solde it to and mannour of inditynge any manour of epesteles
henry myddleton or letters to all Degrees and states by Fulwood 12d
Transcription by: