1 transcripted page
Chapter 1 Page 1Edward the sixt &c To all maner of Printers booke sellers and other oure officers minystres
and subiectes greating. We do you to vnderstande that of oure grace especiall We haue
graunted and gyuen priuileage and licence and by theise presentes do graunte and gyue priuileage
and licence to oure welbeloued subiect John Daye of oure Citie of London prynter vnto his
factours and assignies [sic] to prynte or cause to be prynted aswell a Cathechisme in Englishe
whiche we haue caused to be set fourthe for the better instruccion of youthe to be taught
in Englishe scholes hauing thereunto annexed an A.B.C. with the brief Cathechisme alredy
prynted / eny other priu[i]leage or licence to the contraris in any wyse notwithstanding / and also we
gyue like priuileage and licence to the said John Daye his factours and assignies to haue the
pryntinge and reprynting of all suche workes and bookes deuised and compiled by the right reuerend
father in god John nowe bisshopp of Wynton or by Thomas Deacon professor of Dyuinytie as
hereafter shall be at his costes and charges and by his procurement set forth and made. So that
no suche bookes nor any parte of them be in any wyse repugnaunt to the holly scriptures oure
proceadinges in religion and the lawes of oure Realme And furthermore oure pleasure is that
the same John Daye his factors and assignies shall and maye haue thonly prynting from
tyme to tyme of the same Cathechismes and other bookes as before is declared in
recompence of his industrie paynes and charges to be susteyned in that bihalf - streitly
forbidding by thies presentes all and singuler oure subiectes aswell prynters as booke sellers
as all other persons within oure Realmes and dominions whatsoeuer they be to prynte or cause
to be printed within any oure said dominions the bookes aforesaid or any of them but only the
said John Daye and his assignies neither to bye any other sortes of impressions thenne suche as
shalbe prynted by the said John Daye and his assignies vpon payne of oure heigh displeasour
and that euery offendour therin shall forfait to our vse forty shillinges for euery suche booke or bookes at
eny tyme so prynted or bought contrary to the true meaning of this oure present lycence and
priuileage ouer and besides all suche bookes to be forfayted to whome soeuer shall susteyne the
charges and sue the said forfityture in oure bihalf. Willyng therfore and commaundyng all oure
officers and mynisters as they tendre oure fauor and will auoyde oure displeasour and indignacion
for the contrary That they and euery of them (yf nede shall require) do ayde and assiste the
foresaid John Daye his factours and assignes in due exercising and execucion of this oure present
lycence and priuileage With theffecte according to the true meanyng of the same. In witnes
whereof &c. T R apud Westm xxv die marcij per bre de priuato sigillo &c
Transcription by: Neil Younger