# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
The Articles of the Pope's Bulle, Westminster (1518)

Source: British Library, c.18.e.2.(8)

The Articles of the Pope's Bulle, Westminster (1518), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 1 of 1 total

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These be the articles of the popes Bulle under leade
translated from latyn into englisshe.

            Our holy father pope Leo the X of that name unto all cristen people that these present letters shall
            see sendith salutation and th'apostolyque blissynge.
            Almyghty god our creatour and redemptour to the [i]ntent he wolde delyver mankynde from the thraldom and boundes
of our goostlye ennymye & devyll / was contentyd to sende downe into erth his onlye gotten sone to be endewyde with & nature of man
for mannys rede[m]ption. By whose example / our sayd holy father beynge moved / enforsith hymselfe with all studye / for to delyver from
the yooke of servitude all those cristen people / whiche for the worshyppynge of cristys feyth in the miserable bondage of the ennymyes
of cristys feithe be oppressed.
      Item our sayd holy father hath understande & his welbelovyd chylde John Sargy of Corfu layman of the diocys of Athenis / be=
ynge borne of an noble progeny / with his two bretherne passynge by shyp / upon the see of Egey / towardes the Ile of Creta / was taken
by certayne turkes robbers upon the see and brought by them unto myserable servytude and boundage.
      Item our sayd holy father declareth how that the sayd John Sargy was delyvered from the sayd servytude / his sayd two brethern
abydynge still in captyvytie for whose redemptyon and raunsome thre hundreth ducates of golde large was ordeyned for to be payed
to the sayd turkes / whiche by reason of theyr povertie / they be nat able for to paye. Wherfore greatly it is to be dred that onlesse in
breve tyme the sayd prysoners be comforted in that by halfe with [the] devout almes of cristen people / they beynge nat able longe to suffre
the paynes of so cruell thraldome shall be compelled for to denye the name of Jesu criste and his holy cristen religion.
      Wherfore our sayd holy father usynge the rowme [?] in erth of our savyour criste Jesu / who of his pytie and mekenes rewardith all de=
vout almoses and mercyfull gystes by oon hundreth solde. And gyveth unto his trew people moche more than they can deserve / gladly
moveth all trewe cristen people unto the warkes of pytie / by indulgences and remyssions of synnes / to the [i]ntent / that they may be more
apte unto the favours of god / and also by means of theyr temporall gystes they may deserve to obteyne the rewardes of eternall helthe.
      Our sayd holy father therfore desyrynge that the sayd prysoners shulde be delyvered from the sayd cruell servytude / and that cristen
people may more gladly putto theyr helpynge handes for theyr redemption for that / that they shall perceyve themselfe to be refresshed
more plentyously by the gystes of hevynly grace / trustynge upon the mercy of almyghty god / and th'auctoryte of Peter and Paule his
holy apostels / unto all & every trewe cristen people bothe man & woman trewly penytent and confessyd / the whiche unto the sayd John
Sargy / or unto any honest man that by hym shall be deputed / wyll put theyr helpynge handes of theyr lavfull goodes after theyr de=
votion for the redemynge of the sayd prysoners / as often tymes as they so do / mercyfully graunteth xv. yeres and as many lentes of
pardon and indulgence / in remission of theyr synnes.
      Item our sayd holy father co[m]mandeth all Patriarches archebysshops & bysshops under payne of interdiction of enterynge [the] chur=
che / and all Abbottes / Priors / Plebaynes / Person and / Vycars of parrishe churches / and prechers of the worde of god / and other spi=
rituall persons unto whome these present letters shall come under payne of the sentence of exco[m]munycacion that they publysshe or cause
to be publysshed the sayd letters / in theyr churches / whan the moost people be they accompanyed to here the devyne servyce / and as
often tymes as they shall be requyred therunto upon the sayd Johns partye.

      Item our sayd holy father co[m]mandeth that in every parrysshe / where [the] sayd John shall come / two honest and credyble p[er]sons shall
be deputed by the sayd curates / whiche by the way of pytie and charyte / shall gether the almes and devotion of people / and the same so
gethered they shall trewly delyver unto the sayd John or his deputis / and ferther helpe and favour them as apperteyneth.
      Item our sayd holy father inhybyteth and co[m]mandeth / every man what degre or estate so ever he be of / and also the co[m]missaries de=
puted for the buyldynge of saynt Peters churche in Rome that they ne any of them trouble moleste or let the forsayd John or his depu=
ties in this ther present cause. Whiche his holynes wyll nat / to be comprised in any revocation or suspencion of lyke indulgence made
in that by halfe by his holynes and the holy see apostolyque though all the sayd revocation be made in favour of the sayd buyldynge of
Saynt Peters churche in Rome / and the forsayd letters of indulgence his holynes wyll / do stande in strengthe and effect only for the ter=
me of foure yeres next and imediatly folowynge the date of the same. Whiche is gyven at Rome [the] yere of the incarnation of our lorde
Jesu criste. M.CCCCCXvi. the. xii. day before the kalenders of June the fourth yere of our sayd holy father the pope.



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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK