
Act on the Protection of Written Property, Norway (1876)

Source: Love, Anordninger, Tractater, Resolutioner, Kundgjørelser, Departementsskrivelser, Circulærer m.m. for Kongeriget Norge : til Brug for den Lovstuderende. 8 : 1871-1876, Chr. Tønsberg, 1878.

Act on the Protection of Written Property, Norway (1876), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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may also be extended by Royal Decree, in whole or in part, to works belonging to other countries, provided that they are protected by the laws of their country of origin. 47. This Act shall enter into force at the beginning of next year. It shall also apply, under the legal conditions already established, to writings, drawings, illustrations and musical compositions published before that date, even if they do not enjoy any protection, or do not enjoy the same protection, under the legislation hitherto in force. However, all copies in existence at that time and lawfully printed under the previous legislation should continue to be part of the market. Similarly, it should be possible to complete lawful publications already begun and to use lawfully acquired plates, moulds and stones and stereotype casts even after this Act has come into force. 48. The special privileges and prohibitions granted under previous legislation and still in force shall continue to apply. Similarly, the Act of 13 September 1830 on the prohibition of reprinting of writings to which foreign States have the right of publication shall remain in force with respect to Danish published works until this Act can be made applicable to them in accordance with § 46. On the other hand, §§ 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Act of 22 May 1875 on access to dramatic and other public performances, etc., shall be repealed, as well as everything else in the hitherto applicable provisions that is contrary to this Act.



ved Kongelige Anordning ganske eller delvis udstrækkes til Værker, tilhørende andre Lande, forsaavidt de efter sit Hjemlands Love ere beskyttede. 47. Denne Lov Træder i Kraft fra Begyndelsen af næste Aar. Den bliver under Forbehold af allerede stiftede Retsforhold ogsaa at anvende paa de før dette Tidspunkt offentliggjorte Skrifter, Tegninger, Afbildninger, samt musikalske Kompositioner, selv om disse efter den hidtil gjældende Lovgivning ikke nyde nogen eller ikke den samme Beskyttelse. Dog skulle alle ved dette Tidspunkt forhaandenværende Exemplarer, som efter den ældre Lovgivning retmæssigen ere trykte, ogsaa for Fremtiden kunne forhandles. Ligeledes skal paabegyndt lovlig Udgivelse kunne tilendebringes og lovligen erhvervede Plader, Former og Stene og Stereotypafstøbninger kunne nyttes, ogsaa efterat nærværende Lov er traadt i Kraft. 48. De i Henhold til den ældre Lovgivning givne specielle Privilegier og Forbud, som endnu staa ved Magt, blive fremdeles gjældende. Ligeledes bliver Lov af 13de September 1830 om Forbud mod Eftertryk af Skrifter, hvortil fremmede Staters Undersaatter have Forlagsret, gjældende i Forhold til danske Forlagsskrifter, indtil nærværende Lov maatte blive gjort anvendelig paa disse overensstemmende med § 46. Derimod ophæves Lov af 22de Mai 1875 angaaende Adgang til at give dramatiske og andre offentlige Forestillinger m. B., §§ 7, 8, 9 og 10, samt hvad der forøvrigt i de hidtil gjældende Bestemmelser er stridende mod nærværende Lov.


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