
Act on the Protection of Written Property, Norway (1876)

Source: Love, Anordninger, Tractater, Resolutioner, Kundgjørelser, Departementsskrivelser, Circulærer m.m. for Kongeriget Norge : til Brug for den Lovstuderende. 8 : 1871-1876, Chr. Tønsberg, 1878.

Act on the Protection of Written Property, Norway (1876), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 5 of 6 total

the consent of the author shall suffice. 32. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the person to whom the author or composer has transferred the right of public performance shall have the right to repeat the performance as often as he wishes, but shall not have the right to transfer to others the right granted to him. 33. Such an assignment by the author or composer shall not prevent him from assigning similar rights to others, even if he has expressly granted an exclusive right to a person who has not performed the work in public for five consecutive years. 34. The right referred to in §§ 28 and 29 shall last for the life of the author or composer and fifty years after his death. In the case of anonymous and pseudonymous works, the term of protection shall be fifty years in the manner specified in § 9, the regular term of protection commencing. 35. Unauthorised public performance of a dramatic or musical-dramatic work shall be punishable by a fine of ten to one thousand Danish kroner if the infringement was intentional or negligent. 36. Accordingly, the guilty party shall compensate the injured party in full for the damage which the injured party may reasonably be deemed to have suffered. The compensation shall in no case be less than the benefit which the guilty party may be deemed to have received after deduction of the separate costs incurred in connection with the unauthorised construction.


Chapter Three.

General provisions.

37. The periods prescribed in §§ 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 and 34 shall not include the calendar year in which the event giving rise to the commencement of the period occurred. 38. If the Nordic Booksellers' Journal ceases to be published, the King shall determine the manner in which the notices referred to in §§ 9 and 20, cf. § 34, shall be given. 39. The fines laid down in this Act shall be paid to the State Treasury. 40. The Public authorities do not initiate prosecutions for the offences treated herein. Instead, it is up to the person who has been offended by them to initiate legal proceedings. 41. The Publisher shall not be entitled, without express permission, to initiate more than one edition and to make it larger than one thousand copies. 42. In the case of anonymous and pseudonymous works, the publisher or printer named in the work shall be deemed to be authorised to look after the interests of the author. 43. Penalties and damages under this Act (§§ 21, 22, 24, 27, 35 and 36) shall be forfeited if the offence is not reported to the court within two years, calculated in the case of reprints (§§ 21 and 22) and the introduction of reprint copies (§ 24) from the time when the illegal work was first placed on the market, otherwise from the time when the offence was committed. Likewise, the penalty and compensation shall lapse if the offender fails to report the infringement for a period of one year from the date on which he demonstrably became aware of the infringement, or fails to continue to report the infringement for an equivalent period of time. 44. Proceedings for the infringement or destruction of reproductions and the materials referred to in Section 26 which are exclusively intended for unlawful reproduction shall remain open as long as such reproductions or materials are in existence and the reproduced work is protected. 45. This Act shall apply to works of domestic authors or composers and to works published by foreigners. 46. Subject to reciprocity, the provisions of this Law



fatterens Samtykke tilstrækkeligt. 32. Hvis ikke anderledes udtrykkeligt er aftalt, er den, til hvem Forfatteren eller Komponisten har overdraget ret til offentlig Opførelse, berettiget til at gjentage Opførelsen saa ofte, han vil, men ikke til at overdrage den ham indrømmede Ret til Andre. 33. Saadan Overdragelse fra Forfatteren eller Komponisten skal ikke være til Hinder for, at han kan overdrage lignende Ret til Andre, selv om han udtrykkelig har indrømmet Nogen en udelukkende Ret, men denne i fem paa hinanden følgende Aar ikke har bragt Værket til offentlig Opførelse. 34. Den i §§ 28 og 29 omhandlede Ret gjælder for Forfatterens eller Komponistens Levetid og femti Aar efter hans Død. Ved anonyme og pseudonyme Værker er Beskyttelsestiden femti Aar paa saadan Maade, som i § 9 er sagt, indtræder den regelmæssige Beskyttelsesfrist. 35. Uretmæssig offentlig Opførelse af et dramatisk eller musikalsk-dramatisk Værk straffes, hvis Retsindgrebet har været forsætligt eller uagtsomt, med en Bod fra ti til tusinde Kroner. 36. Derhos skal den Skyldige give den Forurettede fuldstændig Erstatning for den Skade, han med Rimelighed kan skjønnes derved at have lidt. Erstatningen maa i intet Tilfælde bestemmes til noget mindre Beløb end den Fordel, den Skyldige med Fradrag af de særskilt paa den ulovlige Opførelse anvendte Omkostninger kan skjønnes at have havt.


Tredie Kapitel.

Almindelige Bestemmelser.

37. I de ved §§ 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 og 34 foreskrevne Frister medregnes ikke det Kalenderaar, i hvilket den Begivenhed indtraf, der begrunder Fristens Begyndelse. 38. Forsaavidt den nordiske Boghandlertidende skulde ophøre at udkomme, bestemmer Kongen den Maade, paa hvilken de i §§ 9 og 20, jfr § 34, omhandlede Kundgjørelser skulle foregaa. 39. De i denne Lov bestemte Bøder tilfalde Statskassen. 40. Det Offentlige paataler ikke de her omhandlede Forbrydelser. Derimod tilkommer Paatalen Enhver, som ved samme er blevet fornærmet. 41. Uden udtrykkelig Indrømmelse er Forlæggeren uberettiget til at iværksætte mere end eet Oplag og til at gjøre det større end tusinde Exemplarer. 42. Ved anonyme og pseudonyme Værker ansees den paa Værket navngivne Udgiver eller Forlægger bemyndiget til ogsaa at varetage Forfatterens Interesser. 43. Straf og Erstatning efter denne Lov (§§ 21, 22, 24, 27, 35 og 36) bortfalder, hvis Retskrænkelsen ikke er bleven paatalt ved retten inden to Aar, der ved Eftertryk (§§ 21 og 22) og Inførelse af Eftertryksexemplarer (§24) regnes fra den Tid, da det ulovlige Værk første Gang bragtes i Handelen, men ellers fra den Tid, Retskrænkelsen blev forøvet. Likeledes bortfalder Straf og Erstatning, naar den Forurettede i et Aar fra den Tid, da han bevislig om Retsindgrebet er bleven vidende, undlader at paatale samme eller i ligesaa lang Tid ei fortsætter paabegyndt Paatale. 44. Søgsmaal, gaaende ud paa Forbrydelse eller Tilintetgjørelse af Eftertryksexemplarer og de i § 26 omhandlede, til retsstridig Mangfoldiggjørelse udelukkende bestemte Materialier, staar aabent, saalænge saadanne Exemplarer eller Materialier ere forhaanden, og det eftertrykte Værk er Gjenstand for Beskyttelse. 45. Denne Lov kommer til Anvendelse paa Værker af indenlandske Forfattere eller Komponister, samt paa Værker, der udkomme paa Forlag hos Indlændinger. 46. Under Forudsætning af Gjensidighed kunne desuden nærværende Lovs Bestemmelser



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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK