Royal Edicts, 1771.
7 October
Edict (to the University of Copenhagen, to all diocesan officials and bishops in Denmark and Norway, as well as to the Headmaster of the Sorø Academy, and to inform all book printers, and to notify the chief of police in Copenhagen) by which the freedom of printing granted by the edict of 14 September 1770 is henceforth restricted.
A certain malicious and impudent man has taken it upon himself, on the basis of the above-mentioned edict, to publish insulting and offensive texts.
§. 1. The freedom of printing granted on the 14th of September 1770 may not be used to violate other civil laws, therefore all libellous, satirical and rebellious texts shall henceforth be subject to the same punishments as previously determined.
§. 2. Even if all censorship has been abolished, every author who writes anything shall be responsible that it does not violate the laws and regulations in force.
§. 3. It shall not be lawful for any printer to print any book or writing of which he knows not the author, for he shall be liable if he cannot identify the author; wherefore no book shall be printed without the name of the author or printer.
Kongelige Rescripter, 1771.
7 Oct.
Rescr. (til Kjøbenhavns Universitet, samtlige Stiftbefalingsmænd og Biskoper i Danmark og Norge, samt Overhofmesteren ved Sorøe-Academie, tillige at bekjendtgjøres alle Bogtrykkere, og Notits til Politiemesteren i Kjøbenhavn), hvorved den ved Rescr. af 14. Sept. 1770 tilladte Trykke-Frihed indskrænkes.
Gr. Ildefindede og frekke Menneske have af benævnte Rescr. taget Anledning, i Trykken at udgive nogle fornærmelige og forargelige Skrivter.
§. 1. Den d. 14 Sept. 1770 bevilgede Trykkefrihed maae ikke misbruges til derved at overtræde andre borgerlige Love, hvorfor og alle Injurier, Pasqviller og oprøriske Skrivter fremdeles, ligesom forhen, skal være un-
§. 2. derkastede den derfor satte Straf. Omendskjønt al Censur er ophævet, saa skal dog enhver Autor, som skriver noget, være ansvarlig for, at saadant ikke strider mod
§. 3. de nu værende Love og Forordn. Det maae ikke være nogen Bogtrykker tilladt, at trykke nogen Bog eller Skrivt, hvortil han ikke veed Autor, da han derfor skal staae til Ansvar, naar han ikke kan angive Autor; til hvilken Ende og ingen Bog maae trykkes, hvorpaa ikke staaer Autors eller Bogtrykkerens Navn.