
Regulations and Rules for the Printing Industry in Sweden, Stockholm (1752)

Source: Kongl. Maj:ts Nådige Förordning Och REGLEMENTE För Boktryckerne i Riket. Gifwit Stockholm i Råd-Camaren then 12. Aug. 1752. SIDERHOLM, Tryckt uti Kongl. Tryckeriet, Hos Directeuren PET. MOMMA. Kungliga Biblioteket.

Regulations and Rules for the Printing Industry in Sweden, Stockholm (1752), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 3 of 27 total

We, Adolph Fredrik, by the grace of God, King of the Swedes, the Goths, the Wends, and others, etc., etc., etc., heir to the throne of Norway, and Duke of Schleswig Holsten, etc., etc., do make it henceforth known such as We have been informed by those in our service that there have been various abuses of, and much disorder in, the printeries of the Realm, and that this has led to a difficult and deteriorating situation, as well as hindered the creation and progress of Literature and the book trade. We have therefore, in part to promote such, and in part to establish a better order between the printeries themselves and their workers, found it appropriate to gracefully issue and establish the following Articles:


As concerns the establishment of a Book Printers’ Society

§. 1.

All Book Printers in this Realm who now own, or intend in the future to establish their own printery, shall be obliged to establish a Community or Society, which is to hold public meetings, as often as needed, in Stockholm,



WI ADOLPH FRIEDRICH med GUDs Nåde, Sweriges, Göthes och Wendes Konung &c. &c. &c. Arfwinge til Norige, och Hertig til Schlesswig Holsten &c. &c. Giöre witterligit, at som Oss blifwit i underdånighet tillkänna gifwit, thet wid Boktryckerierne här i Riket åtskillige missbruk och oredor skola sig inritat, hwilka bragt them uti et beträngt och aftagande tilstånd, samt hindrat Litteraturens och Bokhandelens upkomst och befordran; Så hafwe Wi, dels til förekommande theraf, dels ock, at winna en bättre ordning emellan Boktryckerierne sielfwe och ibland theras arbetare, för godt funnit, at följande Articlar i Nåder påbjuda och fastställa: 

Art. 1.

Om en Boktryckerie-Societets inrättande. 

§. 1.

Alle Boktryckare i Riket, som nu äga, eller hädanefter få egne Wärk, böra utgöra en Communauté eller Societet, hwilken i Stockholm i the rum, som för thensamma lägligast äro,


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