
Regulations and Rules for the Printing Industry in Sweden, Stockholm (1752)

Source: Kongl. Maj:ts Nådige Förordning Och REGLEMENTE För Boktryckerne i Riket. Gifwit Stockholm i Råd-Camaren then 12. Aug. 1752. SIDERHOLM, Tryckt uti Kongl. Tryckeriet, Hos Directeuren PET. MOMMA. Kungliga Biblioteket.

Regulations and Rules for the Printing Industry in Sweden, Stockholm (1752), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 24 of 27 total


Book Printery Owners who wish to appoint a Foreman for the oversight of work have the freedom to select, at legally specified intervals, from among their Apprentices or others in whom they have the greatest trust. Such an appointed Foreman should present himself at the next Society meeting to be recorded in the Minutes. At that time, they are required to deposit with the Society Treasury the sum of three (3) Daler Silvermynt and in this way all the frivolity usually conducted upon the installation of a Foreman is strictly prohibited in the same manner and under the same penalties as stipulated in article VII, §5.


The Foreman’s duties consist of maintaining proper order in all aspects of the workplace, ensuring that the work is properly carried out, and taking care of what is being printed or has been printed. He must supervise the Apprentices and Trainees to ensure they complete their tasks on time, as well as ensure that typefaces and printing presses, along with other tools, are properly cared for and not damaged due to neglect. Lastly, they are responsible for keeping accounts



§. 2.

Then Boktryckerie-ägare, som wil taga sig Factor til wärkets förestående, äge frihet, at af the Gesäller, som hos honom arbeta, eller ock af andre, när laga ombytnings-tid är, thertil utse then, til hwilken han har mästa förtroende. En sådan antagen Factor bör sig wid nästa Societetens sammankomst anmäla, at i Protocollet anteknas, tå han til Societetens Cassa erlägger i et för alt Try Daler S:mt, och blifwer således all Tractering, som wid Factorens inträde äfwen plägar anställas, aldeles förbuden, på samma sätt och wid lika wite, som i 7. Articlen 5. §. stadgas.

§. 3.

Factorens sysla består theruti, at hålla riktig ordning på alt uti wärcket: at swara före, thet arbetet blifwer wäl gjordt, och at thet, som tryckes, eller tryckt blifwit, tilbörligen wårdas och handteras: at hålla hand öfwer Gesäller och Gåssar, thet the i rättan tid göra sine syslor, samt tilse, thet Stylar och Prässar, jemte andre redskaper, behörigen aktas, och ej genom wanskötsel skadas, och änteligen, at göra räkning



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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK