
Censorship Instruction for Newspapers, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1701)

Source: Danish National Archives: Danish Chancellery: Instruktionsbøger for kollegier, institutioner og embedsmænd: A90-2, 1698-1730, fol. 104-107.

Censorship Instruction for Newspapers, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1701), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 8 of 8 total

[The following two pages are missing from the document scans].


11. In order that every man may have the most humble knowledge of our gracious ordinances as they are published from time to time in print, they should be reported in the newspapers immediately on the next post day after their publication.


12. For the information of our maritime negotiators and other interested parties, what is reported therein about the ships to which our subordinates are known to belong shall be extracted from the foreign notices.


13. Furthermore, the so-called Monthly Reports should contain especially the most noteworthy events of all the preceding messages, and such new information is to be found continuously, from post to post. In general, all reports should be printed in such a character and style that the news can be understood by as many as possible.


14. In the so-called Advertisements, everyone must be allowed to have what he considers important to be made known everywhere, such as large auctions, or anything that may have been stolen, lost, or the like, as long as it is of some importance or value.


15. If the circumstances of the times or any great changes in Europe should require our most gracious orders, we shall communicate our most gracious will through our Great Chancellor after due notice. Written etc.


Copenhagen. dated 19th March 1701.



[The following two pages are missing from the document scans].

11. Paa det at hver Mand til videre allerunderdanigste efterretning dis førre kunde betimeligen vide af vore allernaadigste Forordninger, som tid efter anden udgaaer paa tryck, saa bør derom meldis udi Adviserne strax næste Postdagen efter at de ere publicerede.


12. Til voris Søe Negotianters og andre interessenters efterretning skal extraheris udaf de fremmede Adviser, hvad derudi meldis om de Skibe, som vore Undersaatter kiendeligen tihører.


13. For det øvrige skulle de saa kaldede Maanetlige Relationer særligen indeholde det merkværdigste af alle, foregaaende Tidender, og saadant nyt, som fra Post til Post befindes, saaledis at continuere; og skulle almindeligen alle Adviser udj saadan Character og Stil prentis, at de kunde begribe det meeste Nyt som mueligt er.


14. Udi de saa kaldede Advertisements maa hver Mand tilstedis at lade indføre hvad nogen ligger magt paa, at det giøris vitterligt over alt, som om store Auctioner, om hvad der kand vere bortstiaalen, tabt eller andet sligt, naar det kun er af nogen importance eller værdj.


15. Skulle ellers for Tidernis Conjuncturer, eller og for nogen stor Forandring udj Europa, voris nærmere allernaadigste ordre behøvis, saa ville vj voris allernaadigste Villie ved voris Store Canceller efter vedbørlig anmeldelse derom tilkiende give. Skrevet etc.


Hafn. d. 19. Martij Ao 1701.



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