
Censorship Instruction for Newspapers, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1701)

Source: Danish National Archives: Danish Chancellery: Instruktionsbøger for kollegier, institutioner og embedsmænd: A90-2, 1698-1730, fol. 104-107.

Censorship Instruction for Newspapers, Denmark–Norway, Copenhagen (1701), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 8 total

1. Our director of the printing office, Johannes Lauerentzen, shall not allow any new newspapers to be published in print, under whatever name, without their prior censorship and approbation by both Severin Rasmussen and Johan Bartram Ernst, as our commissioners. To this end the said Johannes Lauerentzen shall send them each time a copy on writing paper of his prepared newspapers, after he has corrected them from all errors in printing. When the members of the committee have examined it carefully, they shall mark it with their censor’s mark and have him produce an identical copy, printed under his hand,



1. Skal Voris Directeur over Bogtrykeriet Johannes Lauerentzen ei maa lade ved trykken publicere nogen slags nye tidender, under hvad navn det og vere kunde, uden de ere først af bem Severin Rasmussen og Johan Bartram Ernst, som Voris Committerede, censurerede og approberede, til hvilken ende forne Johannes Lauerentzen skal først tilsende dennem hver gang et exemplar paa Skriv-papiir af hans forfærdigede Aviser, efter at hand det af alle vildelser udj Trykken har rettet, og naar de derefter af de Committerede ere til nøye reviderede, haver de deris censur der paa at tegne og sig af hannem under hans haand lade give en lige lydende gienpart



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