His Royal Majesty’s Statute and Ordinance Regarding the Censorship of All Newly Written Works in the Realm, both at Academies and Schools, as well as other Places before they are printed. Additionally, Confirmation of previous Royal Ordinances on the same matter, as well as the delivery of copies to the Royal Archives and the Library of all that is printed. Also, the Punishment of Printers who violate this. Dated Stockholm, 5 July 1684.
Hans Kongl. May:s Stadga och Fordordning Om alla Nyskreffne Wärkz Censerande i Rijket, sa wid Academier och Skolar, som andra Orter innan dhe tryckte warda. Item. Stadfästelse på förra Kongl. Förordningar om thet samma, så och Exemplars inlefwererande til Kongl. Archivum och Bibliotheket aff alt thet som tryckt warder. Sampt Booktryckiarnes Straff som här emot bryta. Dat. Stockholm 5 Julij 1684.