Upon humble petition and appeal, We now permit and grant, and it is henceforth permitted and granted, that Hans Hoff, bookseller in our merchant town of Christiania, may from now on, during his and his wife’s lifetimes, trade exclusively in books in Christiania and its diocese, without the involvement or interference of any other person. He must, however, undertake to remain in the same place, to procure and sell books of good quality at a low and reasonable price, and not to sell any almanacs other than those printed by our printer, Henrik Giöde, if he wishes to make use of this kind permission. Everyone is forbidden to obstruct what is thus prescribed, especially Christian Cassuber and others who have [similar] privileges.
Copenhagen, 23rd August, anno 1670.
G: A: W: at Wj Effter Allerunder: Ansögning og Bergiering Allernaad: Hafr bevilget oc tillat, saa oc herved bevilger oc tillader at Hans Hoff bogförer i Vor Kiöbstad Christiania maa udj forbem: Christiania, oc dess underliggende Stifft frj boghandling Allene uden nogen Andens indpas Eller forfang sin og sin Hustrues Lifstiid niude oc Beholde, Huorimod Hand skal til forplikt vere der sammesteds dögtige og Gode böger for billig og Lidelig pris at holde, forskaffe og selge uden retmessig Klage j Allemaade og Ellers ingen slags Almanaker at selge uden de som af Voris bog-Trøker Henrik Giöde stemplet Eer saafremt Hand denne Voris benaad: Agter at Nyde. Forbiudendis Alle og Enhuer Særdelis Christian Cassuben og Aller Ander som med boghandels Privillegierit Ere genimod Efftersom forskrifvit staar at hindre etc.
Hafniæ. d. 23 Aug: Anno 1670.