
Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895)

Source: Archivo Histórico de Protocolos de Madrid, T. 37814, f. 1332r-1335v

Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 6 of 7 total

            and found themselves in a truly distressed situation,
            they should go to their assistance as far as
            possible, not only understanding that he will be grate-
            ful from the the other life for what they are
            doing but also that they are doing so for him.
Fourth. He begs the inheritors to reward,
            as they so wish, the servants
            who were at the service of the testator
            at the time of his death, if
            due to their good behaviour, they are worthy of this
            renumeration ________________________
Fifth. He entrusts to his wife, Isidora
            Franco, if she survives him, and if not,
            to the other inheritors, that his
            burial be very modest, without any pompo
            or mundane ostentation._____________________
Sixth. He revokes and cancels whatever
            testamentary dispositions
            there might be in any form
            prior to this one. ___________________
            Such is the will and testament granted by
            Excellency Mr. Gaspar Núñez
            de Arce and after, reading it
            aloud; he approves, confirms and


            en situación verdaderamente aflictiva,
            acudan a su socorro en la medida de
            sus fuerzas, bien entendido que les agra-
            decerá desde la otra vida lo que por ellos
             hagan, como si lo hicieran por el mismo.
Cuarto.Ruega á los herederos que premien
            según sea su voluntad, á los criados
            que estén al servicio del testador en la
            hora de su muerte, si se hubieren hecho
            dignos por su buen comportamiento
            de esta recompensa________________________
Quinto.Encarga á su mujer, Doña Isidora
            Franco, si le sobrevive, y en su defecto
            á los otros herederos, que le hagan un
            entierro modestísimo, sin pompa ni
            ostentación mundanas._____________________
Sexto. Revoca y anula todas cuantas dis-
            posiciones testamentarias tenga he-
            chas en cualquier forma con ante-
            rioridad á la presente.___________________
            Tal es el testamento que otorga el
            Excmo. Señor Don Gaspar Núñez
            de Arce y que, que después de leído en
            alta voz, aprueba y confirma, fir-


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